First thoughts of India

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February 5th 2008
Published: February 5th 2008
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Hello everyone,

It is day three of our trip and finally we have some sun. Leaving Heathrow was slightly stressfull as there were another four girls in front of us trying to board - who didn't have visas and so the flight was delayed whilst all their bags etc were taken off the plane! So I guess there is something to be said for being organised.

After very little sleep and fod we reached Delhi. The toilets were the first "real" experince of India, using a scoop to wash it down! The man we had arranged to pick us up was there fortunately, however he was also picking up another girl, who apparently "didn't show" - but we later saw her at our hostel! Drive from airport to hostel was crazy, and my seat didn't seem to be attached to anything at all - so I kept falling and sliding all over the place because of the CRAZY driving!

Our room was pleasant enough, however the beds were rather short - and considering neither sophie nor I are particularly tall - this seemed odd. We were staving so after padlocking our bags together in the bathroom, then chaining the bathroom door - we went out for lunch. We chose a place from the guide book called 'De Gem' which was most certainly a mistake - the rice was stuck together and tasted how I would imagine a swamp to taste and the vegetables (neither of us are eating meat in India) were whole and deep fried. I can tell you a whole deep fried onion is no partiularly tasty!

Wandering back up the Bazaar - which our hotel was situated just off, we were bombarded by about a million people trying to sell us things - however we ignored them, walkling very quickly, trying to avoid eye contact, the many rickshaws and motorcycles and the many many cows!

We wrote our journals on the terrace and decided where to go for dinner - choosing a slightly more expensive place - with food we could actually eat. This was a good choice, although the poppadums looked and tastd more like prawn crackers! We steered clear of the rice and just had bread too! We thn returned home and crashed out, until Sophie woke me the next morning crashing around - purposefully trying to wake me up as she had already been awake for two hours!!!

We journeyed back to the place we had had dinner for breakfast, and enjoyed toast and what tasted like sugar jelly - AKA jam!
Back at the hostel - the shower was our next experience. We had to book hot water 15minutes before we wanted it - however we had no idea about how long it lasted. I wanted to wash my hair, so ran in after Sophie (who complained the water was scoulding!) to my luke-warm shower. Evidently the water did not last long! Also the shower was basically just the bathroom with a high tap, which meant tthe whole bathroom was soaked! We could no longer leave our bags in there so my next obvious choice was the very small TV in our room (which we did not watch - as it had no picture and a loud fuzzy noise came out of it when you turned it on!). I felt sure that they would not steal their own TV it an attempt to get our bags!

Our next adventure was to go and buy our tickets to Agra for the next day. The train station was a short walk away and surrounded by many touts and 'official' - aka fake - guards, all wanting to help. After about 20minutes we ran back to our hotel, avoiding anyone who might try and get in our way! After a quick chat and a new plan of action, we were off again back down to the station where we met two more aussi travellers looking to buy tickets. Finally we found the right place and after 45 mintues we were done - having booked both our tickets to Agra but also our tickets from Agra to Jaipur two days later. We then walked for what seemed like miles - but was a very short road in the guide book - to Connaught Place, a round area with many shops and restaurants. We tried to go to an Internet Cafe but it was fully booked o went for some lunch at a cafe called 'The Banana Leaf' recommended in the guidebook. We had Tahli on a real banana leaf, which was ok! So far I haven't found a dish I really like!

After wandering for a while and buying some Indian trousers (photos to come!) we went back, got changed, sat on the terrace for a while and then had dinner - Tahli again! This one was nicer, but not on a banana leaf! We then had mint tea on the terrace before bed - which was disgusting!

Today we had to get up at 5.45am!!!! We had paid and booked a taxi the night before which was all ready for us, taking us to the other station in Delhi. It was absolute chaos and even more scary as it was dark! The train - which w had reserved seats on - was cold and looked more like something you would put cattle on! We spent a freezing 3 and a half hours saying very little and concentrating on not catching pnewmonia (not sure how to spell it!). I thought India was supposed to be hot! It was very cramped and smelly!

We got a rickshaw from the station to our new hostel "Sheela". This is very picturesque and has two very frienly dogs! Our room is much more basic than the previous one but livable! However the plus point is that we are litterally on the Tajmahal's doorstep! Although tomorrow we are moving to the cheaper accomodation at Sheela, where we get a bucket to wash in. I am ebracing the culture!I do miss english food - or food that isnt curry so had toast and omelette for lunch! Just off now to the Baby Taj - just across the river, and then for dinner. Tajmahal at daybreak tomorrow and Agra fort!

Forgot to say there were elephants in the middle of the road earlier!!!

So far I have managed to avoid Delhi Belly!

Love to you all,
Libby xxxx


6th February 2008

things can only get better
Great start girls! You are doing really well! i am sure you will find some food you like eventualy and maybe even the sun will shine. Head on south!
7th February 2008

great blogging
Hi Libby great to hear the adventures so far - hope you can keep up this much detail. Good luck with everything especially the loos. Lesley

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