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October 23rd 2005
Published: October 23rd 2005
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Fish are freinds humans are food!
Well a swimming and diving trip into the rainforrest south of Cairns yesterday- an amazing trip - infact the best organised trip weve been on yet. Jumping and sliding down waterfalls/ bum surfing and crocodile searching - will explain more tomorrow but for now onto Rob for todays briefing!

Rob_ Today we were up at 6am for a coach trip down to Port Douglas, to catch the SILVER SWIFT (new boat) to the great barrier reef. Fantastic sunny day ideal for diving and snorkling. Boarded the boat for breakfast and set sail for the reef some 1 hr away.

1st stop. Dave and myself were first into the water, without wet suits, bad idea because 20mins later I was stung by a jelly fish on the shoulder and arm. Fantastic dive with great coral beds, and plenty of fish, highlight was a coral bed teaming with fish ranging from every colour in the rainbow. AWESOME.Dave sore White tip reef shark will explain later.

2ND STOP NOW THIS IS WERE IT GETS GOOD.- The minute the boat came to a stop a crew member shouted shark, and for some strange reason Dave and myself were straight into the water
King FernKing FernKing Fern

This is a junior king fern - they are the largest of their kind and grow to ridiculous sizes 15 times as big! (for Gem)
swimmming with not one, not two but 3 whaler sharks approximately 2-3 metres. Not only did we see them but one crew member threw some food into the sea and the shark hit into me, what an experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3rd stop was just the icing on the cake, it was a huge reef, at low tide with massive drop off points with many sharks and larger fish circling both me and Dave. 10/10 and so wish I was not flying home tomorrow.
Tonight is my last night of this 2 month travel, and all I can think of is how Id love to sack my job in and stay out here longer with Dave.

Cheers Rob for that- Yes today was just awesome - first reef was just swimming over the reef to the continental drop off when i heard shark! looked around and in the distance sore the streamline shadow of a white tipped reef shark- couldnt tell how big as was in distance with the sun streaming down like rays through the water. As it got closer - grabbed my camera and waited. Amazingly it just kept coming, by which time
Waterfall expeditionWaterfall expeditionWaterfall expedition

Me n Rob far left sliding down one of many natural slides in rainforrest!
i could tell it was approx 1 and a half metres long and not too bulky - phew! It swam buy turning/ ducking and diving into the reef below then off like........well like a shark i guess.

The next dive was as Rob says - surreal - there was three bigger sharks just circling off the dive board- with some very nervous looking snorklers above - after checking briefly with the instructors if they would eat us or not they said - nahh they dont look hungry, we jumped in !
Some great shots - especially when they started feeding them - was a bit weird just swimming around with sharks and fresh meat- im sure ive read somewhere that thats on the top ten not to do list - well thats another crossed of i guess! As long as you keep your hands and fingers in theres nothing to fear - movies dont help!

The next reef was probably the best - crystal clear water - a couple of small poodle sized sharks but managed to see a huge puffer fish - crazy it had these enourmous eyes and like no fins - whats going on there ? Evolution seemed to have taken a day off here!

well will put pics on as soon as developed. ok so thats another day - oh heres a tip if your going snorkelling all day - put sunscreen on your calfs regularly!

Robs sadly off tomorrow so will take this oppurtunity to say that its been a pleasure travelling with him - weve had a great laugh and hes kept my spirits high for my future journey. Weve done some crazy stuff and at times ive wanted to kill him - abseiling down the black abyss to name but one! But what an experience! I hope your journeys a good one mate and may your experience telling be full of smugness!


ps great to speak to everyone the other day - unexpected and great!

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


to get here you have to jump of a huge rock - like something out of a film!to get here you have to jump of a huge rock - like something out of a film!
to get here you have to jump of a huge rock - like something out of a film!

Swimming through the mangroves keeping an eye out for crocs!
No skinny dippingNo skinny dipping
No skinny dipping

Too cold!!!!!!!
after 1st swimming trail after 1st swimming trail
after 1st swimming trail

oooooooo suits you sir!
The reef under waterThe reef under water
The reef under water

think turning up the colour x50
white tipped reef sharkwhite tipped reef shark
white tipped reef shark

not the best shot

23rd October 2005

sis with gang in blackpool
all sat reading your blog- mum, dad, dinyar, gemma and sis. scuba shots amazing! had a chortle at your snorkle stories and can't wait to see the shark photos!!! dad says if that photo is really you and rob at milla falls then either rob's still in drag or dad wants a date! great to speak last night, take care!

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