Bhopal conference kiddy care

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October 22nd 2005
Published: October 22nd 2005
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THank you all very much for your concern and prayers, but everything
has healed! I thank some of you for your harsh but wise words in the
light of the situation! I do agree that I have to look after No1
first and then I can help others!

THis week our team went to a pastoral restort and helped with child
care while the parents and others had a YWAM BHopal conference. I
think this will be a highlight in the trip to BHopal, looking back on
it now I can see how many people I meet and enjoyed the company of!
One good thing was I got to be loud!!!, by the end of the week I
partly lost my voice, deep husky and sexy!!! i LOVED THE KIDS and
they loved me!!!

A couple of problems have arose -
Our outreach team leader while good, has been not totally honest in
finacial dealings, the three team members knows about it and are not
to happy! Could I ask you to pray about this and any wisdom on
approaching the situation would be appreciated! I think I will email
the school leader and get her involved!

Another problem that has arisen in that the Bhopal base Mercy
Ministries leadership are not totally honest in their finacial
dealings, again the team knows about this, and myself and another
have been cheated of money.....yet we cant do anything because our
leader is corrupt! hmmm what to do!

Im in turmoil, what to do, Im almost ready to come home! It just not
CHristian attitudes Im seeing and instead of looking to God, they
look at the skin and think money!!!!!! Grrrrr SO REALLY MAD!!!!
if this is how INndia is going be I feel my call slowly fading!!!
Some advice on this would be great!!!


15th November 2005

keep da faith

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