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January 6th 2008
Published: January 6th 2008
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computer time is a little bit limited here so i gotta be fast. where did i leave off? oh yes! the pub crawl.... wow! SO MUCH FUN! i met some girls in the the hostel and invited them to come hang out with me and tim... so we went to the prado museum... very nice. afterwards went to eat at a restaurant that hemmingway used to eat at. had some queso manchego and bread. so the pub crawl. our tour guide for the walking tour earlier that day, bruce, also hosted the pub crawl. he´s this really cool white guy from south africa that knows a lot about the city. well we met him at the plaza and haha this is great! anyone who knows me at all should know why this is so awesome. so we´re standing there waiting for bruce to come back from recruiting people and comes up and says, alright ladies, come over here and meet these handsome guys from new zealand!!! did i just hear angels singing??? haha just kidding anyway so we turn around and there´s this big group of very attractive new zealand men. mmmmmuuuwwwaaahahaha.. we went to three different pubs, met some really fun guys from holland and danced the whole time! then we went to a discotheque that played latin music. so i got to salsa dance alllllllllllll night!!!!! hell yeah! i danced with bruce most of the time and he´s honestly one of the best dancers i´ve danced with. so fun! there were so many attractive guys around i just didn´t know what to do with myself! it was like being a fat kid in a candy shop! oh and i met this 6 ft 5 guy from australia who was just BEAUTIFUL!!! don´t worry... i was a good girl. 😊 went home at like 4:30... yeah the bars seriously stay open all night in madrid. but i got a ton of pictures and just had a really great time. the next day i slept all day because my cold came back... hmmm wonder why.. well one of the girls i met made me soup. so sweet! later that night we went to go see flamenco. oh my gooodness. how do i even describe how amazing this was??? the music itself was awesome... but there were these two spanish guys dancing... long wavy hair, dark brown eyes.... wow. everything they did was absolutely intoxicating. ok ok ok.... enough about gorgeous men. haha 😊 so today we went to the flee market in madrid then took the train to barcelona. it was such a beautiful ride. haha i actually made a mix to listen to on the train before we left. so far i´m loving this place too. i´ve already met some really cool people and looking forward to tomorrow! i´ll let you know what happens!


7th January 2008

sooo jealousss...
ok I have to agree with what Steph said in an earlier comment-- next time you go traveling, take me with you!! maybe when Lauren and I turn 21? :) haha. 'I love you oh so well...'
7th January 2008

yea...soooo jealous
Yeah...defiantly agreeing with jealous!! handsome guys from new zealand!!! did i just hear angels singing....haha thats why i love you!!
10th January 2008

Oh my goodness Michelle I just read all your blogs and I am so excited and happy for you! I just started cracking up when you mentioned all these beautiful men...haha I can just hear you going "oh my goooood" I wish I was there with you! I'm so glad youre having the time of your life - you are definitely making me very excited to be there! We will definitely travel together one day...I love you, can't wait to hear more!

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