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December 4th 2007
Published: December 5th 2007
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Will Cori Ever Make it Out of the Bamboo Maze?Will Cori Ever Make it Out of the Bamboo Maze?Will Cori Ever Make it Out of the Bamboo Maze?

...tune in next week to find out.
After weeks of good intentions (and one thwarted attempt), we finally made it to the Art Museum. It was the last day of some sort of festival in Wuhan, so we were able to get in without paying the admission fee. Even though we only had a chance to explore two of the many galleries at the museum, it was so refreshing to meander through the high exhibition halls and just let the art wash over me. This particular exhibit was mostly newer pieces. They had used some traditional techniques, but they also branched into new styles. The paintings were also huge, to the point of being almost theatrical; most of them reminded me of 4x8 flats. Check out the pictures…

At Thanksgiving dinner, our friend Johnny told us that he was organizing a pick-up softball game for the following Saturday. If Nick and I weren’t so doped up on tryptophan, we would have done a jig. Nick has been itching for any kind of athletic activity, and I just love playing softball. On Saturday, we hopped in a cab to head over to the field. We had a vague idea of where the field was located. We knew it was just inside the gate of a nearby university. There was a field right where we expected it to be. No one else was there, so we waited for a while. The longer we waited, the less certain we became that we were in the right place. With no other ideas of where the game could possibly be, we decided to do something, anything, to take advantage of the beautiful day. A short cab ride later, we were walking along the banks of East Lake. East Lake is a popular spot in Wuhan. There are parts of it near our campus, but we had no idea what was in store at the main gate. Boat rides, roller coasters, archery ranges, bamboo mazes, hammocks, and children walking on water in giant inflatable bubbles were only part of the fun…

The fabulous day was only slightly tainted by the fact that we found out that we just missed the softball game. Everyone else was running late. We knew better for next time…

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Photos: 30, Displayed: 23


This picture actually made me laugh out loudThis picture actually made me laugh out loud
This picture actually made me laugh out loud

Look at it! Tell me it is not incredibly whimsical!
Strongest Little Old Woman...ever.Strongest Little Old Woman...ever.
Strongest Little Old Woman...ever.

She paddled us out into the lake and back.

You have no idea how much I wanted to join them.
Zig Zag PathZig Zag Path
Zig Zag Path

It is said that evil spirits can't turn corners.

They had a ton of terrifyingly rickety carnival/fair rides including the "log ride" type deal.
Child riding a Faux-nyChild riding a Faux-ny
Child riding a Faux-ny

Get it...a faux pony? A Faux-ny?
Archery RangeArchery Range
Archery Range

Brings back fond memories of giant bruises and spontaneous hemorrhaging...Good times. :)

5th December 2007

Yeah Archery
Shooting arrows is the best! I bet they didn't have any safety precatutions at that little range if I remember my Chinese Better Business rules correctly. That sign above the range says "You'll shoot your eye out!"
7th December 2007

ohmygod. Cori can we do that. I want to do that. PLEASE can we do that?!

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