training, not us but them!

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October 6th 2005
Published: October 6th 2005
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THis week our team has been teaching another training program "Penial" (from the bible) training centre. I feel it went well, I thought on Vital signs, diabetes and something else I forget! As usual!!! So its been worship or intercession in the mornings for half an hour and then onto Penial, for the day finishing at 6-7pm. Tomorrow(friday) were going on a pray walk near a temple!
Im really having a struggle with the culture.....and not being appropriate! O'well thats just me I guess! Could you pray that I am conformed to God's standards in a Indian way! hmmm how do you do that in a Hindu community, Bhopal is one of the Hindu strongholds in India. A lot of extreme hindu's, one just living across the road from the base!!! Im in the midist of a spiritual war, and I dont realise it..... please pray for decernment for myself! bless you all
PS. sorry no photos but not resources to transfer photos....this is Bhopal!


7th October 2005

Tuesday Group
Chris, Our group is continuing to pray for you each week. It's obviously a struggle, but you were expecting that, and it helps rely on God. A huge learning time as well. Not too many of us would be too good in the Indian culture. It will take time.
7th October 2005

Culture - The big issue
Hi Dazza, Thanks for your news mate... You have nailed it.. Culture is the big issue in missions. John Stott says that most people don't accept the gospel not because of the message of Jesus but because of the cultural baggage it comes with. We msut shed ourselves of anything that will block someoen hearing. Thats what Phil 2 is all about. God shedding himself, becoming a servant so we might hear him. We can have no greater model. Keep on goin mate.... Dave

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