Off to India

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November 21st 2007
Published: November 26th 2007
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So I'm back in Bangkok sorting out the many things I need to do before flying to India on 23 November.

Despite a lonely, tearful start when I was wishing I could go straight to India and miss out Thailand, I've had a great time, seen and done amazing things and met wonderful people.

Now, seven months and seven countries down I am about to embark on the final and most challenging, vibrant country of my trip...India.

Starting with a three week trip with Intrepid around Rajastan and the Golden Triangle region I will venture beyond...hopefully finding an opportunity to do some voluntary community work and to explore one of the most contradictory, spiritual, poverty stricken and culturally entrancing countries there are to be visited.

Crazy, hectic, amazing, inspiring, stressful, colourful, eye-opening, food poisoning inducing, at times unpleasant, incredible...this is what I expect to let's see how it goes!

Wish me luck! xx

p.s. since writing (when the website decided to crash) I have flown to India...I'm currently in dusty but colourful Delhi!

P.p.s I dyed my hair dark to come to India...hence the photos.

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Photos: 3, Displayed: 3


11th December 2007

love the new hair!

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