Otovalo and Centro Historico

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November 19th 2007
Published: November 23rd 2007
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A fruit that grows in the backyard that the family makes fruit juice from every week.
Went to an amazing market last weekend. It is in a town called Otovalo, about two and a half hours by bus from Quito. There are hundreds and hundreds of booths along the streets of this town and in the town center on the weekends selling all kinds of goods-tons of jewelry, paintings, food, etc. All of the vendors were dressed in traditional indigenous peoples clothing which was really cool to see. Spent a few hours wondering around the market looking at all of the wonderful things to buy, arguing over 50 cents (bargaining is a much more amusing game than I had imagined), and doing some great people watching.

Also went to the Centro Historico in Quito over the weekend with a couple of people from my school. The Centro Historico, or Old Town as the guide books describe it, is an area of Quito where a lot of the super old churches and important buildings have been constructed. On the weekends, there are tons of cultural activities going on and the roads are closed off to cars (hows that for Healthy Saturdays for any of you SF politicos reading!). There are hundreds and hundreds of people on their
House of GuayasaminHouse of GuayasaminHouse of Guayasamin

This shot was taken at the house of the late painter, Guayasamin.
bikes and even more walking with their families in the streets. It was really cool to see. Surprisingly, we were some of the only tourists walking around and boy did we stand out! I basically looked like a white ghost in the nice warm sun compared to everyone else! People looked at me like I was an alien when I was putting suncreen on!

After Centro Historico, we took a crazy cab ride up to the Telerifico (basically a ski lift) to get a view of Quito from above. The view was breathtaking and so was the altitude! I have never felt so out of shape walking around. We are already 2820 M (9252 feet) above sea level and taking the Telerifico brought us up considerably higher. Once we got to the place that the Telerifico dropped us off, the crazy people I was with thought it was a good idea to hike up a nearby hill to get even higher! It was actually worth it once we got up there, but my heart has never beaten faster.

Also, went out to a discoteca last weekend. It was a ton of fun and we danced until early into
Drunk GoatDrunk GoatDrunk Goat

This beer is the absolute number one drink in Quito.
the morning-but to American music! They love American Hip Hop here! It is really funny to see everyone singing the words to the songs by such artists as Snoop Dog with a Spanish accent. The DJ´s play about an hour of American music and then throw in some Salsa music at which point everyone grabs a partner and Salsas! I was with some of the kids and cousins of the family that I am staying with, all of which are amazing dancers and can move their hips like I can´t believe. I told them that Gringos can´t move like that and they agreed and said that music and dance is in their veins.

Went to a professional Futbol game a couple nights ago. It was Ecuador vs. Peru and we won! 5 to1! T I guess it was a surprise that Ecuador won because they haven't been doing very well lately. The place went nuts like I have never seen people go nuts. Didn't bring my camera because it isn't the safest place to have valuables, so no pictures...boo. It was such a different experience than going to a nice calm baseball or football game. People are fighting, throwing beer everywhere, swearing at the top of their lungs, screaming profanities at the umps, pushing and shoving and scaling the walls to sneak in. You have to arrive at the stadium 2 to 4 hours before the game depending on the significance of the game because the stadium sells more tickets than it has room for.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday. They don´t celebrate here, but the family went out of their way to have a Thanksgiving for myself and the other American living at the house.

Thanks for reading and I will hopefully post another blog next week.


Additional photos below
Photos: 39, Displayed: 24



All of these food pictures are taken at massive outdoor markets.
Panchos in OtovaloPanchos in Otovalo
Panchos in Otovalo

There were many booths that looked like the pictures I have uploaded here.

There were many women begging in the streets of Otovalo. This one posed for a picture for another traveler.

All of the small kids in Otovalo were carried around on the backs of their mothers like this.
<coconuts in the Street<coconuts in the Street
Centro HistoricoCentro Historico
Centro Historico

This is part of the road closure that I mentioned in the blog. There were hundreds of bikes everywhere.

24th November 2007

Happy Thanksgiving from Rocklin
Hi Cassandra, It is always so good to hear from you and to know that you are having such a wonderful time. Seeing alot and I am sure learning alot also. We are fine and weather is beginning to get cold at nite and mornings. Continue to have a good time and I love the pictures. Love you, Madelene and Jim
27th November 2007

WOW what a great camera you must have! The photos are incredible and so colorful. So glad you are enjoying yourself. anthea
29th November 2007

ay caramba!
Los fotos son magnificos (las fotos o los fotos?-no me acuerdo bien.) Espero que puedo ir a Quito un dia con Anthea---y quizas con toda la familia. Tu seras nuestra guia cultural. Sobre todo, quiero comer cuy y otras especialidades tipico de Ecuador. Todo va bien en los asuntos del ayuntamiento de SF. Tuvimos el Dia de Gracias con la familia Huntington y Richardson. La comida estaba sabrosa como siempre. Tuve 5 postres! Voy a Londres el viernes para una conferencia sobre the protecion de la clima global cuando hacemos algo local para reducir la congestion urbana. Tambien, voy en alemania para 5 dias para ver Emily en Leipzig y Patrick, Hilly, y Danny en Weimar para el primer cumpleanos de Danny el 8 de diciembre (el mismo dia que la fiesta de la Concepcion Immaculada de la Virgen--ironia que la parte del padre del bebe viene de un banco de sperma). Arriba Juntos, jake

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