Killing Fields

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November 10th 2007
Published: November 10th 2007
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Stark RealityStark RealityStark Reality

Over 8000 skulls stacked high
A visit to Phnom Penh cannot be called complete unless you visit Choeung Ek and Tuol Sleng, no matter how grim or depressing it turns out to be. We hired a Tuk Tuk driver for an afternoon. weren't sure what was the better order to see, ended up heading for Choeung Ek, better known as one of the KILLING FIELDS. They are situated some 15 kilometres from the city centre. The trip along mostly dusty roads was interesting in itself, a gave us an insight into ordinary Cambodian lifestyles with such a mix of local people going about their business.

Not much prepares you for the stark reality of what went on here, just 30 years ago. The first thing you see when you enter is a large Memorial Stupa containing more than 8000 skulls of poor victims exterminated here.
43 of the 129 mass graves have been left untouched in this peaceful little longan orchard, which became a brutal murder site. Visitors are allowed to walk freely amongst the graves, in doing so, they naturally have eroded some ground creating paths. This has the effect of unearthing fragments of bone, and clothing of the victims. So many people were

place of torture with Photo of dead victim
killed here, including children, that we were still able to identify bones lying about. Our driver informed us, that up to about 5 years ago, there was always a terrible stench when he visited this site.

Next, we drove to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in the south district of Phnom Penh. Originally this was a typical secondary school building, which was taken over by Pol Pot's, Khmer Rouge security forces. They named it S-21. From 1976 until their collapse in 79, they interrogated, and tortured so called " anti-Angkar " elements, before sending them for extermination.
Before the prisoners were sent to their cells they were photographed, these chilling reminders still exist, and are on display throughout the building, as are instruments of torture.
A depessing afternoon, although we are glad we've seen it. You would expect that people would learn from the past, unfortunately recent events suggest otherwise.
When foreign goverments interfere with other sovereign countries, the outcome becomes unpredictable, and usually for the worse.
Booked bus tickets to, and accommodation in Siem Reap for tomorrow. (8th Nov)

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Memorial StupaMemorial Stupa
Memorial Stupa

filled top to bottom with victims skulls
Longan OrchardLongan Orchard
Longan Orchard

Hard to imagine
Fragment of boneFragment of bone
Fragment of bone

One of many scattered around
S-21 Detention CentreS-21 Detention Centre
S-21 Detention Centre

Once a typical secondary school

11th November 2007

Happy Birthday John
Hi u 2,first time i've been on here, ur pics r all great, just wanted 2 wish u a happy birthday John xx take care luv Julie xx
11th November 2007

hey there just thought a would leave a cmment to wish you a happy birthday hope u have a gd one and hope u havin a gd time xxx
12th November 2007

happy birthday
Hi Julie, Travelling from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. Plan to spend my birthday at The Famous Ankor Wat Temples in the jungle. looking forward to it. cheers, John xxxxx
12th November 2007

Hi There, good to here from you again, Going to spend my birthday at the temple buildings where they filmed the Tombraider movie should be great. Love Uncle Johnxxxx
13th November 2007

birthday wishes
Hi john, Hope you had a nice birthday. How sad and depressing to see how cruel and callous people can be in this day and age. Take care and tell Eileen to have a good time on Thursday. Love Liz x
14th November 2007

Key Khmer Rouge figures charged
Hi, thought you might be interested in this - was a big story on the BBC news website on Monday, two key figures been arrested and there's going to be a UN backed genocide tribunal today!
14th November 2007

Birthday wishes
Hope you had a good birthday! Saw some of the pics on Eileen's blogg, looked great. Mhairi x
15th November 2007

Thanks Liz, Had a great birthday at Angkor Wat, next blog will be all about it. Eileen will spent her birthday at the beach resort of Shinanoukville drinking her first good bottle of red wine, since we've started travelling Johnxxxxxxxx

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