Looking through nature's window

Published: November 3rd 2007
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We’re up before daylight this morning for the drive to the Windows area of Arches National Park . Our goal? To capture the sun’s first rays peaking through nature’s window.

After we arrive in the parking lot, Jim points out areas that would make good shooting locations, including a ledge near the North Window for one of Arches’ classic shots. Another photographer has already staked out the spot and no one from our group chooses to make the journey along the ledge in the dark.

The group separates with each photographer choosing what he thinks will be the premier site for capturing the spectacle. Other photographers are here searching for the same scene but all are polite and considerate to each other. As the sunlight warms the rocks, the only sound I can hear are the clicks of camera shutters and an occasional “ooh, look what I got” as a photographer checks his work.

Once the sunrise is complete, we drive through the Wolfe Ranch area to a viewpoint of Delicate Arch, the goal for tonight’s sunset shoot. I notice a 4-wheel drive road through the valley, an adventure for another trip.

Next, we park near Skyline Arch and walk the short trail to an area that makes a perfect site to set up tripods and practice more photography. Jim moves through the group, offering advice as birds twitter in the pinion branches.

It’s almost noon by the time we complete shooting and drive back to Moab for breakfast. After a few hours rest, Alan attends the workshop’s critique session while I catch up on my writing work.

Then, it’s back to Arches for the hike to Delicate Arch and a sunset photo. This one, I skip. Our trip two days ago to Natural Bridges National Monument has stirred up my fear of heights and I’m concerned about the hike back in the dark. Alan returns too tired for dinner so we find a quick snack, take a look at his photos and then it’s time for bed.

Tomorrow’s sunrise shoot will be here before we know it.

To read more about our photo workshop experience with Jim Altengarten, vist "Take a photo workshop in nature's beauty" at My Itchy Travel Feet .

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3rd November 2007

great photos!
4th November 2007

Beautiful photos. I had to rate a couple :) Enjoy seeing your photos. I travelled to Utah in September...just breathtaking.

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