Oy vey!

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October 30th 2007
Published: October 30th 2007
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Oy! Sorry for the lack of posting! I will update the stories and photos soon, now that I'm back home (and back to broadband!). Many of the places we got online either had slow connections, or older hardware, or viruses, etc.... all obstacles to uploading pics.

The nutshell version of the last few days is this:

- Wednesday morning: up at sunrise to walk the Kora around HHDL's residence.
- Stop for breakfast of french toast, fried eggs and coffee
- Wed 7pm, left on bus back to Delhi - too bumpy for a sleeper car! ick!
- Thurs morning, back in Delhi with almost no rest. Nap at hotel.
- Thurs afternoon, woke from nap and started getting sick. UGH! (in retrospect, the eggs were undercooked - no runny yolks in foreign countries!!!)
- Thursday night through friday evening - sleep, fever, trips to bathroom, moaning and whining. Bummer. Missed visiting the Taj Mahal.
- Friday night through Saturday - fly to Newark, then on to Portland (with a few stops), sick the whole time! 😞
- Today - still sick. Slept all day. At least the Cipro seems to be working - and hey, it's not malaria!
- Tomorrow - back to work.
- Post entries and pics over the next couple of nights.

Although it ended on a sour note (and gave me a reality check on getting careless with food!), the trip was fabulous....adventurous but also relaxing. I'll tell you about it when I'm not feeling so funkified. 😊


30th October 2007

meep! jesus take time off work to recover!
30th October 2007

I stayed home today to "adjust" (read: sleep) and let the cipro work it's magic. Gotta bring home the bacon, yo. :)~

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