Claro Que Seafood

Published: October 23rd 2007
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Note: This entry was not written by Mike Bebernes

And so the adventure continues! First and foremost, sorry there are no pictures on this blog. Not that we are in a dangerous place (don´t worry moms) but we just thought it best to not be prancing around Paquera with our digital camera. But that just means double the pictures next time.
So we decided to leave Manuel Antonio to head for the Nicoya Pennisula. Once again we had quite a day travelling to get to the lazy beach town of Montezuma. First lesson we learned in Costa Rica. 1) When you take public transportation and the bus schedules says it will be 3 hours to your next destination, that really means 6 hours. Life here is so different that the U.S. Rules are more like guidelines, it is expected that the bus will drive on both sides of the road, and by road I actually mean rocky dirt path. Which brings me to my next point: We have experienced Costa Rica´s rainy season in full throttle. Apparently it has rained more in these last two weeks that it did the whole month of October last year at this time. So not only is our bus overcrowed with people in all the seats, standing in the isles, and hanging out the door, Mike and I are convinced we are going to get stuck in the mud. Luckily we didn´t, and we made it to the ferry to take us over to Montezuma.
Lesson 2: You will meet the most interesting people when you travel. While on the ferry, we were´t quite sure of where we were going but this lady was so kind and willing to offer advice. She told us she was greek, born in Australia, raised in the Bahamas, and now was splitting her time between a house in Costa Rica and one in Florida as well. At this point it´s getting dark, so once we get off the ferry we decide to take the bus to a neighboring town,Tambor, just to sleep and the the next day we would make our way to Montezuma. After a night in Tambor, we finally were on our way again to Montezuma. That morning we met an elderly couple who were also travelling around the world on their boat and docking at various harbors in Central America. The lady was so sweet but unfortunately was ´that smelly traveler´ It was hard not to notice her B.O. as well as the booger hanging from her nose. I told Mike if we ever get like that there are going to be serious consequences. We also made our first traveler friends, two pairs of girls. Two were from Alaska and the other two were from Quebec. Watching their astonishment at the waves and all things Pacific ocean was awesome and made us really appreciate Santa Barbara.
In the end we made it to Montezuma! We decided to spend 3 relaxing days there and we loved it! Of course it rained most of the time, but I have to give Mike and I credit because through all of this we have kept our spirits high and maintained a good sense of humor. You just have to laugh. We spent the first day getting really good at the card game speed, teaching Mike to shuffle cards, and doing laundry in the sink. Lesson 3: If you wash clothes in a climate that is 82% humidity, they will take days to dry! So now we have several pairs of mildewy underwear in our bags. So it is sad to say that now I am that smelly traveler. It was sunny the day we left,which made us sad, but we both decided that this was definitely a place we would want to come back to.
So now we are on our way north to Monteverde to see cloud forests, go zip lining, visit the volcano in Arenal , and definitely go to the hot springs.

We heard on the news last night about the fires in CA! I hope everyone and everything is ok. Talk to you guys soon!


23rd October 2007

good job childers
I am proud that you did a blog entry and didn't make Mike do it again :) FYI, my mom is going to Costa Rica soon and wants to know where your favorite parts make a mental note of the best parts!
23rd October 2007

Cool Jen... sounds like you're having fun. Hace un buen tiempo!!!
23rd October 2007

Lovin it!!!!
I am so happy you guys are making the most of your trip! Sounds like you both are going to come home with a lifetime of stories and memories! I love reading about all of the adventures and hope you have many more to come! NYC is amazing and I am so happy that I moved here! Miss you both so much!
25th October 2007

Good stuff!
Your trip is sounding so fun!!! Even though i don't think that i have heard of any of the places that you have been... which makes it that much cooler. I cant wait to hear whats next! Have fun :) peace and love
26th October 2007

Post- IV Life
Hey Barrett! I love getting your comments. You sound so happy!! I´m so glad you like, no are LOVING New York!! Maybe when Mike and I get back we can come visit you. Talk to you soon! Love, Childers

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