In the teeth of the puma

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South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco
July 20th 2007
Published: October 9th 2007
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Managed to navigate the bus system today to find one that would take us to Pisac. Easy to work out where to get off for the first site as half the bus were clutching Lonely Planets (in various languages) so we all piled off at Tambo Machay or El bano del Inca, a ceremonial spring and Incan bath. Next, we crossed the road to Puca Pucara (red fort). There was no sign of the famous pink colour it is supposed to have got its name from but very impressive anyway. Managed to snap a couple of photos of llamas and donkeys as we crossed although Lou got caught by the ten year old owner and made to pay! We then set off for the 8km (according to the all-knowing Lonely Planet) walk back to Cusco only to pass a sign saying 10km to Cusco after having been walking for over half an hour. Still, good exercise! Stopped off for more photos with llamas whose owners were luckily no-where to be seen before continuing back in the direction of Cusco.

The next site on the list was Qenko which, despite back-tracking several times and asking anyone we came across, we failed to find. We arrived at the fourth and final site of Sacsayhuaman (try saying that without making it sound like 'Sexy Woman'!) without seeing a trace of Qenko so decided to give up as Sacsayhuaman was certainly big enough to take up the rest of the afternoon. Sacsayhuaman forms the head of the puma that the Incas built their city of Cusco in the shape of with the zig-zag defensive walls of the fort being the puma's teeth. Bizarrely, in spite of this, the name Sacsayhuaman actually means 'Satisfied Falcon' in Quechua - no idea why!

Decided to be truly lazy and get a taxi to take us the remaining four kilometres back to Cusco to meet Jack. Went out that evening to an 'English' pub which was truly bizarre to find in the centre of Cusco. What was even stranger was that Jack managed to bump into a friend from England who was randomly travelling in Peru! It is a small world after all!

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Is it me, or does the one at the front look evil?!

27th September 2010
View over Cusco

beautyfull........ :-)
24th November 2011

Watch out!
I think he's getting ready to spit on you!
5th January 2012

Dolly Parton Llama
She looks like she's got makeup on!

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