Last day in Garmisch

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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Garmisch-Partenkirchen
September 23rd 2007
Published: September 23rd 2007
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Leaving for Salzburg

I stopped in Munich to change trains and met Duong for coffee...

I have to say this town is so relaxing and quaint. A good way to gather your thoughts. I find the Bavarian part of Germany a little more friendly than the north part. While I was fascinated with the history and influx of construction and beautiful architecture in Berlin, I found this part of Germany and little less rough around the edges. I had dinner with a young man from Nurnberg, who spoke little English, but we managed an interesting conversation and he taught me a few simple German words. Apparently what I translated from his poor English, he skipped high school and went to a university, so he missed out on the plentiful English lessons in H.S. Fascinating! I would have liked to skip high school, too. Although, things may have been lost in translation, this is what I interpreted from this man of Nurnberg. Made for a more interesting dinner than keeping my own company.

The last day in Garmisch, I walked along the river down to the the Olympic stadium where they held in Olympics in the 1930's. Can you imagine the Olympics here then? After I walked for a while and enjoyed a nice lunch while
Tobaggan RunTobaggan RunTobaggan Run

held the winter Olympics here in 1935
people watching. (That is what u do when u eat alone). I had ice cream and enjoyed the pretty fall colors. Then, I decided to take advantage of the poolsaunasteam room in my hotel. Ahhhh. The steam room was nice. Apparently, here it is acceptable for adult men to walk around naked in a public sauna room. The sauna was small and I choose to wait until he was finished before I shared the room with his nakedness. At some point I left and went to the pool. There was a nice jet in there to massage my sore muscles from all the walking. After a while I went back in the sauna room and naked guy was still in there! At one point I thought he was dead because he was in the same sitting position. Eventually, he cam out and I went in. Hot, but it felt nice. A few moments later, ANOTHER naked cam walked in! Oh, well. I decided to keep my clothes on and shortly after left. It was getting hot in there anyway.

I went back to my room, had a pretzal for dinner and went to bed early before I headed off to The Land of Mozart!

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View from my hotel balcony!View from my hotel balcony!
View from my hotel balcony!

Sweet! Such great weather too!

23rd September 2007


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