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September 22nd 2007
Published: September 23rd 2007
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Well folks, thought I would get this site up and running. Have been keeping myself quite busy. Seen a few temples, done some shopping, lay beside the pool and of course enjoyed the occassional drink! Tough I know!

Landed in Bangkok exhausted - I checked in rugsack with sleeping tablets packed inside at Dublin airport. I didnt see the bag again until I arrived in Bangkok! Wolly!!

Stayed at the D&D on Kao San Road which is a nice place. Has a pool on the roof of the hotel and offer cheap thai massages - didnt get one yet but it is on the cards! Its a little expensive compare to other places I have heard about but clean and comfy so dont mind to much.

The weather for the first day and a half was just alright - cloudy but warm. Today was hot.

Went to a bar (just your ordinary bar by the way folks!!) there last night. Played a game of fuzball against a group of thai thai girls - got destroyed.

Seen a few temples today. Very impressive. When i get a chance ill upload a few photos for you all to see. The tuk tuk driver - Shimzau (probably not spelt anything like that) - was crazy but great craic - every time i left him he kept having a few cans. I was with him for around 4 hours - so you can imagine how he was at the end of the day!

Must go, getting bus to Ko Phanyan - home of the Full Moon Party and where Im to meet up with a few of the Letterkenny heads! Should be exciting times!



23rd September 2007

Sounds like you're having a blast already dude. I'll be relying on you to give me some tips for my trip on Nov. 3rd. I might get Shimzau to pick me up from the airport when I arrive in Bangkok! Remember... stay away from the go-go-bars!

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