Windy days

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September 19th 2005
Published: September 19th 2005
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cape rienga - storm comingcape rienga - storm comingcape rienga - storm coming

the top of NZ where all the souls leave
Hi Gem here,
Well yesterday was absolutely horrible weather the worst we have seen in this country since we started. Gails and constant rain, not very pleasant. It did lighten up a wee bit this morning and so we decided we would take the trip to cape reinga (can't think of right spelling) and ninety mile beach. The weather to start with lifted and was bright sunshine but quickly changed and started to pour down and the winds blowing the coach about. Funny thing was that everytime we got off the coach the subn came out and it stopped raining. Think the driver had a special wand or something. So we have stayed relatively warm throughout the whole day.

We stopped off at several places, The ancient Kauri kingdom, Kauri being one of the largest known trees and they can have trunks spans of upto 30mtres + But due to farming of them the largest one left is only 14mtres across. This was just a shop though but with a staircase in the middle carved out of one stump of a Kauri tree. Worth a luck just to see that really but the things in the shop aren't cheap, how's $21000 for a seat, not really in our price range unfortunately and I don't think they would allow it as excess baggage. Next was the Gumdiggers park, where a very enthusiatic guide showed us around where they were digging for amber that the Kauri tree had produced prior to a big tsunami which wiped out a whole forest of them. Aparently it was worth more than gold.

A few scenery stops later and some maori songs from our friendly driver called Senny. (We were on Sand safari's tours if anyone needs to know). Then to Cape reinga (sure I'm not spelling that right), the northern most tip of NZ and extremely windy. You can also see where the Tasman and pacific ocean meet. Also a lighthouse at the edge funnily enough.

Then off to drive down ninety mile beach, which is miss named apparently and should be known that it is more like 90km. Also off to huge sand dunes where you can sand surf and tobbogan down. But there is a small river at the bottom and everyone generally ends up in it, so the sand gets washed into every crevice, and the high winds weren't helping, so who had a go but Dave. Trust him to provide the entertainment for our group. on his first attempt he unfortunately fell off as the tobbogan isn't the best. On second attept he got almost all the way down but opted out of dunking in the river, much to everyones dissapointment. He came back covered with sand.

So with Dave shaken off, we then headed for a drive down ninety mile beach which seems to just go on forever. Got to see more seagulls (great?) and a seal and birds of various descriptions.

On return the weather had got worse and we are now back to windy and raining, never mind. Off back to Whangarei tomorrow, hopefully find an internet cafe to put on more pics.

Take care

PS Dave cooking tonight...............

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me sand boardingme sand boarding
me sand boarding

memories of hellgill?
90 mile beach90 mile beach
90 mile beach

starfish impression

19th September 2005

Reply to laura Lambs all doing well and growing fast.

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