Singapore! (Plus end of Oz!)

Singapore's flag
Asia » Singapore
August 20th 2007
Published: August 20th 2007
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Hello from Singapore!

I have now left Australia behind and begun my Asian adventures.

I have only been here a matter of hours but I'm loving it already. An elderly man on the train (noticing that I was the only European) started chatting, telling me all about himself and the history of Singapore, and then insisted on helping me find the hostel (which resulted in 3 other people getting involved and going out of their way, not always to the best effect) to help me with directions!

I'm staying at a lovely hostel in Chinatown. This evening I wandered into the night market and hawker stall area to sample the local cuisine. Sitting down at a table with my Singapore noodles I met a Melbourne guy who, it turned out, was on the same flight as me today, and a friendly local woman who had also worked in Melbourne and England and was very talkative and helpful.

I regretted not taking my camera out this evening - Chinatown dazzles with red lanterns and golden lights hanging above the streets. The air was warm, the smells and colours were wonderful...I love it. Admittedly this is easy Asia; clean, secure, full english speaking, relatively expensive Asia...but it's a good start!

The next few days I need to weave being a tourist in with sorting out flights, flight changes, visa and plans for the rest of my SE Asia trip, which I have been planning lately!

So the end of Australia...I think I'll write a separate entry for that... 😊


20th August 2007

a fresh start
glad to hear you've got off to such a good start in singapore already and met some friendly people. It all sounds great from your descriptions, hope to see some pics soon!

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