"In The Mountains..."

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August 14th 2007
Published: August 14th 2007
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Hola everybody, today is our very first day in Bolivia having arrived across the border this morning, so with that in mind I think we should update you on the last two weeks! Yes, we spent a lot more time in Cusco than we originally planned, but it was definitely worth it.

We got to Cusco for the first of August, after a marathon twenty hour bus journey from Lima. We´ve been so lucky with the buses out here, for this journey we had seats that reclined until they were practically beds, non stop movies playing and dinner and breakfast too. For a tenner each, we thought it was worth splashing out! Unfortunately no matter how good a bus you get, mountain roads that are continuous switch-backs at high altitude are not too kind on the stomach, and it was a pretty restless and nautious journey.

But we made it! And after the disappointment of Lima, Cusco was so much better. Set high up in the mountains (around 3400m I think?) Cusco is really picturesque, with lots of little cobbled streets, a grand main plaza, lots of churches dotted about and views of the mountains all around.


It's cold in Peru!
been advised by travel guides and people we´d met to spend a few days acclimatising to the altitude, as altitude sickness can be pretty horrible, so even though we were itching to get on an Inca trail and up to Machu Picchu, our first three days were spent at a more leisurely pace (which we all know I prefer haha). But it did give us time to explore the town of Cusco, and we bought a tourist ticket that paid for our entrance into all the various churches in the centre of Cusco, and out to the Sacred Valley.

The Sacred Valley is basically an area with various sites of Inca architecture around Cusco, and we took a day to go out to Tambomachay, Puca Pucara, Q'enqo and Sacsayhuaman, the four closest Inca ruins. They were really interesting to walk around, as you´ll be able to see from the pics! Tambomachay used to be Inca baths, and off the top of my head that's all I can remember (terrible I know), but when I add the photo's I shall consult my guide book and give you a description in the captions!

Anyway, after three days we were booked and ready (well actually, completely unprepared) for our Inca Trail! We weren't booked to go on the original famous Inca Trail, as this gets booked up about four months in advance, but instead we were taking a route through Salkantay mountain, down into the jungle and eventually to Machu Picchu after five days. I was slightly worried (understatement) to learn that the Salkantay trek is harder than the original trail and about twice as long, but it was too late to start worrying by then! xxx

Additional photos below
Photos: 25, Displayed: 23



wandering around Tambomachay

The ones that were Inca baths

yes, I like to take photos of all the cute animals. No, it´s not pointless.
Puca PucaraPuca Pucara
Puca Pucara

Right, according to the guide book, this was probably a hunting lodge, guard post or stop for travellers. So basically, they know about as much about it as we do...

Why is it that if there´s a tree to climb up, or a small hole to get into, boys will do it?
Wow, isn´t he strongWow, isn´t he strong
Wow, isn´t he strong

Holding up the ruins at Qenko, apparently a ceremonial site for sacrifices

at Qenko

Okay, I found a few holes and caves to crawl into too
View over CuscoView over Cusco
View over Cusco

from Sacsayhuaman

Originally a huge fort

Hard to show you just how huge these ruins are, but this was one doorway

16th August 2007

Hi, James and Nicole, Hope you are both ok, we hope you are not in the earthquake area! Giving everybody a text will reassure all concerns and make all our holidays happier! You sound like you're having a fantastic time - we are all quite envious!! We are off to Cyprus at the weekend and will miss all the football- all your teams are entered-James- and not doing very well - hard luck!!!! Looking forward to seeing you both, Luv Mum, Dad, Mike and StephXXXXX
18th August 2007

So Lucky
Hi ya, just a little note to say that i'm getting increasingly jealous, lol!! You'll be pleased to know that, for a change, its absolutely pouring with rain back here in the UK and i actually have a jumper on......in August!! Keep the updates coming and enjoy every minute. Look forward to all the photos!!
20th August 2007

Football news
Sorry Nicole a boring one for James. Forest played 2, drawn 2 ,both 0-0. Man U played 3 only 2 points. Chelsea v Liverpool 1-1 draw, Chelsea got very doubtful pen. Cam U beat Ox U 2-1 last minute goal. Man C top of table played 3 won 3(beat Man U 1-0) Chelsea 7pts. Have you done your bike ride yet? Looks dodgy but should be a great experience. Got your bank statement through up to 11-8-07 looks reasonable. Have fun, take care. Dad
31st August 2007

Emergency landing.
Hi James and Nicole,we're just back from our holiday and got your phone message about the problems with the flight.Spoken to Nic's Mum so we know you're ok.Enjoy the last part of your trip and have fun.Looking forward to seeing you. xxx
1st September 2007

Help please...
Yes, James says sorry for probably freaking you out with a scary answer phone message... Also he says if there´s a copy of his CV at home could you please email it to him asap, he´s applying for a job online. Thanks! xxx
1st September 2007

job cv
Hi you two,thanks for the reply....Dad's sorting it this weekend!Where's the job.?....is it as an electrician for Bolivian airways!! If you don't receive the c.v., ring us.xxx(Dad says you'll need to update the cv when you receive it)Take care.

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