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September 4th 2005
Published: September 4th 2005
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Mema mo adwo from Ghana!! (Good evening!) I'v e made it through my first two days in Africa and I am happier and more alive than ever! I apologize ahead of time for the use of TOO many superlatives, but there is really no way to describe with words where I am and what I am feeling and experiencing. Yes John and Leo, this trip has and will change my life! Eventhough I say that a lot, this one is going to take the gold. If you can imagine a wolrd where nothing and no one is the way it is at home in the States and every one is smiling, that is where I am. "Go and Enjoy Life" the Ghanaian people say all the time. Ariving in the Accra airport was unreal. Walking out into a sea of Ghanaians staring at you and being the only white person. My group had already left and I had stayed behind to try and find my bag. I paniced for a few seconds and then spotted a sign that said SIT (the name of my program) on it. Relief! Of course out of my group of 18 American students, my bag was the one that didn't make it. I came back the next night and the Acaemic Director had to pay off the airport guy to get my bag back.
For the first few days we are staying at a hostel outside of the city to help us slowly adjust to the drasticaly different life, climate and culture. We took our first major outing today to a celebration in a neighborhood nearby with drumming and dance and lots of White Rum. In African performance there is no line between the audiance and the performers. Everyone participates. Oh man you should see me dance. We all wore traditional West African dress and joined in the circle. A lof of arm flapping and butt shaking - moves my body had no idea how to do. After the natives got over laughing "with" us they were really helpful and wanted us to learn. I'd like to think I've improved after a 4 hour dance experience, but I'm sure the lessons we are taking next week will help.
I'm feeling great health wise. The food is not bad, but I already miss veggies. A lot of meat and rice. I've been eating red meat two meals of the day. Some crazy new tastes. I had a hot dog for breakfast this morning, it was great! My roomate is another girl from Northwestern, Kate O'Donnell. She has actually been really sick since the day we got here. The poor thing has not really been able to appreciate or enjoy anything yet. But she's really cool and I know we'll get along real well.
I took my first Twi class today and learned a lot. The format they tought the class in involved dance, drumming, demonstrations, songs, and one on one conversations and interaction. Like no Spanish class I have ever taken. We are hanging out on THe University of Ghana's campus tonight and I have already held two conversations in Twi. It's a tonal language with a different alphabet, but I have miraculously picked up a lot of usful phrases. Tomorrow a seamstress is coming to our hostel to measure us for a whole new West African wardrobe. I can't wait. THe women here dres absolutly amazing. So modest and regal and beautiful. Such bright amazing colors and patterns. I move to Kumusi on THursday to begin my homestay. I can not wait to meet my family. I am crossing my fingers that they have a veggie garden and a baby so I can wear it on my back with a wrap. Haha. I am in heaven! Soo much more to tell but my minutes have run out! Until next time I get to an Internet Cafe (I walked 35 minutes tonight) I love you all at home and abroad! Keep in touch! Love, Kate


5th September 2005

Missing You
Labor Day weekend has been absolutely the best weather of the summer. Saturday Papa and I went into NYC to baby John's Christening. He looked adorable in the family Christening gown. Sunday Papa and I took a 20 mile bike ride out to Sandy Hook. Today, Tique and I are hanging out in the garden the whole day. John has been working 9 hour days at the beach club where he parked Bruce's and BonJovi's cars yesterday! Let me know what to clear from your email collection. Love, J,K,L
7th September 2005

Way to go, Kate!!
Dear Kate, This is my second attempt to comment..hope it works! Greetings from Tubingen! It sounds like you are already on your way to an awesome experience!! You have the perfect attitude to make the most of your opportunities! I'm so proud of you! I'm in Betser's room waiting for her to get home from class. I really like this old and beautiful university town. Many things are remnicent of my time in Germany as a kid...but many things are new, too. My Deutsch is horrendous, but the people are very patient and tolerant of my attempts! Betz and I are having a great time together. Keep up your's wonderful! Liebe, Tante Su xxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooooooo
7th September 2005

Hey from Deutschland
Sounds amazing!! Can't wait to hear more about the next dance lesson... you'll have to show us some new dance moves after you get back (steve's wedding for aunt su and N3 for betz!) We're so proud of you!! We have to hunt for veggies here too... those Germans love their meat and potatoes!! LOVE YOU!

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