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July 23rd 2007
Published: July 23rd 2007
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 Asia » India » Delhi By Adventure India
July 23rd 2007
Jennifer last!

After many weeks of feeling like I was missing a part of myself we have finally set up my home computer in our new home office!!!!! I’m whole again! There is just something special about your own computer that is so comforting!

I digress….we’ve have loads of improvements to the house…its almost livable. Which is a great thing because our first honored guest (Dan’s mom, Chris) is coming in ONE WEEK!!!??

One Week! I’m very excited for many reasons.

#1. Any visitors from home are a treat…and this one is a Mom so it’s a super big treat!
#2. I’m very excited to see India through her eyes. The edge of India has worn off for me, so I’ll
be interested to hear her take on it!
#3. Shopping companion (see earlier blog about my distain for shopping). Chris is a great
shopper. Good bargain hunter…very good eye for quality items.
#4. Travel opportunities. We’ll try to get to the Agra for the Taj Mahal as well as Jaipur!

So on to the photos so Lydia stops yelling at me!

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


23rd July 2007

woo hoo!
Things look to be coming right along. How nice to see some pics. I cannot wait to get there and to experience your life and your India with you. Love, Chris
23rd July 2007

at last
Ah yes...beautiful woodwork!! yeah, things are beginning to come together...I am happy you are feeling a bit more settled.
23rd July 2007

At Last.....
Hi guys- Love the furniture, and all the pic's. Keep em' comin'. Dan - Interesting information and perspective on the size of everything in America to India. To bad we won't get buy-in from Americans. Maybe you could start a trend when you get back here?!?
23rd July 2007

Hi jenn... I love your new furniture. The bed it a little weird (the fraim) The rug has GREAT colors! I love it all. I love you tons.
24th July 2007

I see you've done your furniture shopping at Fab India!! We have all the same stuff at home in Bangalore! Cheers
31st July 2007

Sick tv Dan!!!, Must be great to get to watch the cards choke on such a fine piece of electronics.

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