Bangkok. Huge Hot Polluted Crowded Sweaty & Annoying

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May 30th 2005
Published: December 14th 2005
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Nothing like i imagined at all!!. I know alot of people love this city but not my cup of tea at all.

It is virtually impossible to navigate yourself anywhere at all on foot for the risk of dying from pollution or darn right frustration in this huge concrete sprawling mess of a city. So the only other option is to take a tuk tuk. Great fun when you first sit in one of these things and go zooming around the traffic whilst inhaling the brunt of bangkoks vehicle emissions, but 2 words describe my experience of a tuk tuk and they are R i p O f f ok they are cheap but the drivers just do not want to take you to where you want to go. ..
The usual speil we recieved was that our destination was closed for the day and that instead the tuk tuk driver would be kind enough to take you on an 'alternative' city tour. Well that wturned out to be complete Horse sh*t
We requested the Grand Palace and the reclining Buddah. We spent the next 3 hours being dropped off at Travel agencies and Suit Tailors. Did'nt get to
Traffic Jam Bangkok StyleTraffic Jam Bangkok StyleTraffic Jam Bangkok Style

People with Asthma are advised not to take a TukTuk
see anything we wanted until the 4th day when we dicided to take a normal cab, worth paying the extra Bhat as you actually arrive at your requested destination!!. Tuk Tuk drivers are only interested in recieving their commission from these shops regardless of your destination.

I dont want to sound overly negative about this city someone else might enjoy all bangkok has to offer, i just found it to be one large tourist trap. Much like alot of thailand to be honest, every where i went i was greeted with hoards of Thais all trying to get you to part with your hard earned Dollar$, cant blame them though, if i was a thai i would be doing the same thing.

You will not be bowled over in shock to learn that i did not like bangkok one bit. Part of the reason being that i expected it to be a great city, toooo many tourists, a really trodden path kind of feel to the place. Hot sticky polluted & tacky. Not to mention the nauseating sight of middle aged to old western men with their l14 year old thai girls in tow.....vomit!!. You;ll not find me
Bangkok Hotel roomBangkok Hotel roomBangkok Hotel room

Me and my visitng Brother Jed (the pastey one) on the Samsung Whiskey. Just before we zig zagged our way down the Koh San Road
doing that! mine was at least 15! joke.

Good market stalls on Ko san though.

Note: try not to contract diarrhoea in this city (hard to do i admit) the toilets are not user friendly to say the least...


1st September 2005

Chiang Mai
You should try Chiang Mai, it is a beautiful city, less crowded than Bangkok and not as many tourist
2nd September 2005

Thanks for the insight on the Tuk Tuks Im travelling to Bangkok in December and Ill now make sure that I pay the extra and take a taxi. Mark

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