The Last Stop

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July 18th 2007
Published: July 18th 2007
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I'm back at home now, and I hesitate to write about my stop in Hawaii, simply because once I do it really means it was the end of this trip! And I have to wait out for another few months before I am able to venture out again on another, but it must be done 😊

My flight to Oahu was relitively painless. Luckily I got sat in a row of seats that had no one else in them, so I was able to stretch out my legs and sleep pretty well. So no complaints to that. I rather like Hawaiian Air, because their service is really good and friendly, and their food isn't so bad either.

Anyway, on my first day in Waikiki I randomly walked around the city without a map. Down random streets simply enjoying the warm weather and the sun, and the neat little souvenir stores that I explored. (I could look at ukeleles and jewlery endlessly I tell you!)

I stopped by a subway for something to eat, and funnily enough, after hauling out my book for a bit of a read, a local (slightly intoxicated i'm sure) local came up to me and said something along the lines of "Hey pretty lady! Can I come and chat? Hello? Pretty lady? Can you see me??!" From about 5 feet away, with a bit of a wave. I didn't respond, and he came and sat opposite me at the table. I wasn't too worried. After a bit of a chat, and alot of compliments on his part, he seemed to become disinterested and walked away. But it was still slightly amusing to me.

After that encounter, I checked into my hostel, and was finally able to take a nice shower and change and relax in the nice cool courtyard. After that, I went for another walk, by this time it was dark, and the streets took on the bright neon look from all the shop signs and street lights. The beach was pitch dark, so it was slightly hard to walk along, especially because in some areas there are rock walls emerging from the sand quite suddenly.

That was basically the end of my first night. Nothing really exciting happened, although I did plan a skooter ride around the island with 2 new people I met, Dave and Joey.

The next morning I tried to sleep in, but by 7 30 knew it was basically impossible, and headed on another adventure through the town. I basically walked through everywhere I had walked through yesterday, plus a little market area that I hadn't seen.

In the afternoon, I caught up with my two new friends to find a scooter. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. By the time we had found a place to do it, it was already about 3pm and so we decided to give up, go to the beach, and rent a car the next day, because it would be faster and cheaper.

Waikiki beach is unbelievably busy. There are people everywhere, but the water is beautiful, and even with all the people and the noise. It is quite enjoyable. Alot of that is probably to do with the fact that while you're lying on the beach you can people watch, which can sometimes be loads more entertaining than some books.

After a long lay at the beach, we headed out to dinner at an all you can eat joint, which was horrible. Do not go to Scrumbies.. or.. Grumbies.. or.. Something along those lines.. because it is horrible food. Really.. not worth the 12 dollars if you ask me.

The next day we rented the car and started our way around the island. Oahu is beautiful. Fantastic. It is surrounded by beautiful blue water, and features fantastic outcroppings of rocks, jagged mountains, and volcanic structures. The landscape is incredibly diverse, despite the fact that it is a tiny island, and we were able to drive around it in about 6 hours or so. It is lush and beautiful, and it was definitely worth renting a car to get to some of the quieter beaches.

The next day was once more filled with relaxing. The beach, a few markets, some dinner. Nothing really strenuous. It was fantastic. Like.. a holiday, and the end of my vacation. If that makes sense.

Being on Oahu made me feel like I had no worries. I was relaxed, and didn't mind that there was a big VISA bill waiting for me at home, or that I probably should be keeping to a budget. That was all blown out of the air, which is dangerous, but felt so so good after being in Australia and worrying about what I was spending all the time.

I had become good friends with 3 guys, Dave, Joey, and Josh, that were staying at the same hostel and it was really sad saying goodbye to them, because I felt like I had known them for ages, even though it was only about 4 days. They better come visit me!! The Awesome Foursome reunion!??! hahaha How great would that be. Only it has to be after I've turned the age of 21 so I can actually go to all the clubs you guys do.

On Monday, I boarded the plane back to Vancouver, and now here I am sitting in my Den typing this out on my very own computer, not paying for internet, and not worrying about the time limit.

Great trip! And I am already planning my next one..
Dave... New York? November? I'm up for it!

Till next time!


18th July 2007

New York in NOVEMBER for sure..... Planning on getting out of Sydney on my first night back here AHAAHAHAHAHAHAH. Had the BEST trip with you guys.. THE AWESOME FOURSOME ROCK!!!!!!

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