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June 16th 2007
Published: June 16th 2007
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The Bridge and Opera HouseThe Bridge and Opera HouseThe Bridge and Opera House

The view from the botanical gardens
Well... this update may be slightly delayed.. but you will be glad to hear that we are still alive and that we have made it across from Santiago to Buenos Aires nice and safely, and will this evening be making our way to Cordoba.

So, just to go back about a month. Sydney. As a result of the rather large time lapse we dont really have a great memory of what happened... so this will be rather more brief than previous updates.

We basically had a week to do nothing. With no book to guide us, Dawn's Dad (who had already been in Sydney for 2 weeks when we arrived) was our only source of information. So after a few beers on the first night we rolled out of bed in the middle of the afternoon and headed out for an aimless wander. The bridge and the Opera House stand out from more or less all over the city, and despite not being overawed at first, we soon realised the beauty of both. The Opera House design is absolutely genius, and when seen from across the water from the botanical gardens, it really is something special.

Next on the itinerary was a visit to the Olympic park and Telstra Stadium. Location of THAT drop goal by Johnny Wilkinson to win us the World Cup 4 years ago. Despite the ludicrous prices of stadium tours, Dan insisted on going in, and it was well worth it. An awesome stadium. Outside was a large collection of what appeared to be totem poles, which on closer inspection listed each participant, volunteer, and basically anyone who was involved in the 2000 Olympics. (A great idea for London in 2012 to follow in my opinion)

A huge highlight of our time in Sydney would have to be the bridge climb. Having successfully passed the breathaliser test (suprisingly some might say....) we went through a long and rather pointlessly exhaustive series of clothing attatchments and safety instructions. But when we eventually got out the views and the experience were awesome.

So after sampling the heights of the tower we also had to go to the top of Sydney tower. The views this time were unbelievable, not least of all because you could see the bridge and Opera House. But looking out to the coast over the harbour afforded some pretty special views too.

After having put it off for days, Dan finally got round to the skydive on the Friday. And what an experience that is. The instructions were rather briefer than expected... involving a rushed run-through of what would happen generally and then jumping into the plane for take off. Asd 14,000 feet approached ont he altmeter the nerves began to set in... and when sitting with feet dangled out of the side of the plane at 14,000 feet.... well, I'm sure that speaks for itself. But then when falling towards Earth at 200 kilometers per hour, the rush is unbelievable. Spinning round and around with Sydney on one side and the Blue Mountains on the other.... surely a perfect spot for a first skydive?!!

So after that a calm last day was spent being hungover and chilling out in Manly. Seeking out the last of our free beer venues for the week, it's a nice little area of town, with a beach much nicer than Bondi (alledgedly)and the sunset over the sea was a nice way to chill out before a 16 hour flight the next day......

So that is where we will leave you for now. South America is treating us well.... and you will be glad to hear our beer drinking has been reduced. (Although only to be replaced by copious amounts of wine......)

Anyway... speak soon

Dan and Dawn xxx

PS There are more photos to follow.... Dan's camera has again run out of battery at the most inappropriate time! xx

PPS Photos now updated!!

We promise to start South America soon....

Additional photos below
Photos: 19, Displayed: 19


Inside TelstraInside Telstra
Inside Telstra

The posts through which THAT dropgoal was kicked
On the Olympic podiumOn the Olympic podium
On the Olympic podium

Dan looks thrilled at winning gold.....
The bridgeThe bridge
The bridge

The view down onto the bridge from Sydney Tower.
Dan Dan

With the man who threw him out of a plane!
Random skydiverRandom skydiver
Random skydiver

This is what Dan would've looked like if he had photos of himself midflight...

17th June 2007

Amazing...cant believe Dan did a skydive! You 2 are sooo lucky makes me think about doin my own round the world trip :p xxx
19th June 2007

its about time!!
hi guys, hope you're both ok, cool blog as ever, shame it took so long to write, ive been having withdrawal symptoms!! dawnus, nikki dyed my hair red!! cant wait for you to see it! anyway have to go cos ive left the grill on in the kitchen, and somethings burning.....xxxx
1st July 2007

Hey i finally caught up
Hi dawnie, callum has been getting upto date with your bloggs. They are great. WTG Dan with the skydive and callum laughed at your beer reducing (funny how a 7 year old understands that!!). So pleased your both enjoying it and are safe. T C xxx i'll read more i know where to find you. :-))
6th July 2007

Hey! You'll never gues what Dawnie, against my better judgement I've got your mate Peter back working for me and I haven't shouted at him once! (but it has only been one day so far!!!) We all miss you. Can't wait for more updates. Everyone says hi.

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