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June 15th 2007
Published: August 8th 2007
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B & C Eiffle Tower
We arrived in Paris with cloudy skies, (normal from what we could remember). It all felt so familiar and calming being back here again. Looking out of the plane window, we could've been landing in any European city except for the iconic sight of the Eiffle Tower off in the distance. So, of course our first stop was the Eiffel Tower. We had planned to go to the top but it was Yankee excursion day (about 500 Nebraskans on a music camp) and the lines were as long as the tower is tall. We figured, we've already done it anyway, so we left it to them. Tarquin, being none the wiser missing out on the experience,was happy and content chasing pigeons. (This may have been his highlight for the day.) I was looking in laughter thinking he looked like an A.D.D. 2 year old.
After the Eiffle it was off for a spot of lunch at the Paris Hilton (sadly the caesar salad I was craving was substandard but the waitress was great and we were happy to have a safe haven out of the rain for a while) We set off to find the Lourve.... "TRAIN!" was also an exciting
Tarquin at the Eiffle
event for the little man. We walked around looking like typical tourists trying to find monuments with a map in hand and decided to have a coffee. We sat in a cafe in the main street of the shopping district,(where Tarquin Had a nap) and had one of the most expensive coffees we had ever experienced. 16euros for a short black and a cap....Thats 25 dollars..... or 175000rupia...... 2 coffees, anyway..............
And just to prove this is a small world...... we stepped around a corner into a tourist area and Carli spotted Ben and Sue from Markris....they were waiting for the double decker open top explore paris bus, I am sure the last thing they thought was to see people from noosa. Tarquin had a great time. The poor little fella got a bit tired and cranky on the way home......There's nothing like being looked at down the noses of local parisians like you're bad parents......
All in all, we were very happy to get back here once again to have the oportunity to get our touristy pics back and some new ones to add to Tarquins adventure book.....

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17th June 2007

great pics guys, looks like tarquin had a ball, and his pidgeon chasing wore him out, wow how dear was that coffee!!!!! was talking to carlo - nosherie- and he said that in italy they aren't allowed to overcharge for coffees etc, they have a cap on what cafes can charge, so someone in europe is sensible at least. keep pics coming, just love them, now that i know how to find them. love to you all and kisses for my boy! only 33 more sleeps - WOW

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