My Hellish Trip So Far.

Published: August 6th 2007
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ALOHA! and G'DAY MATES (as the lady on Hawaiian air repeatedly said on the way here)

I am here in sunny (but cold) Canberra. The first trip on my whirlwind tour of Australia. Let me tell you, it wasn't so easy getting over here, that's for sure. To start out, leaving Vancouver was quite easy. Apart from it being at 6:40 in the morning, and me stupidly thinking that I shouldn't sleep before I left, there was little that went wrong in that first leg of travel.

Unfortunately, once I got to the US, the story was alot different. I am going to warm everyone, that it is unwise to travel on memorial day weekend (I didn't even know that's what it was) or close to memorial day weekend. All flights were overbooked, and had standby lists the size of, well, just large.

Anyway, I was minding my own business waiting for the boarding time of my flight, which was supposed to happen in 30 minutes, when my name is called over the loud speaker thingy. I go up to the counter thinking that perhaps I would get bumped up to first class! (HA I WISH!) It turns out, that they oversold on the airline and were wondering if I would mind switching flights to a later one, leaving at 6pm on Delta, that was direct to Honolulu, instead of mine, which had a half hour stop in Maui, where I would have had to switch planes.

I wasn't going to say yes, but, with a little bit of bribing, the guy managed to convince me that I should. I recieved a 200 dollar flight credit towards my next flight on United airlines, and he also gave me 20 bucks to buy food and such while I waited. I didn't think that was so bad, and this way, I got a direct flight.

So I waited for my next flight (an additional 5 hours on top of the 5 I had already waited), and it wasn't really so bad. When I went through security, it was pretty funny, (mom, remind me never to wear what I did again), Randomly (and I say this because no one else that was in line had to do it), the security guards decided I should be put through the Bomb detector, or well taht's what they told me it was. So you have to take off all metal objects and such.. (including my belt, so my pants were hardly staying on), and you walk into this booth, that sort of looks like a metal detector. Then you have to wait, and a sudden spray of air goes off, and you have to wait, while it tests pressure and such. Then I was subjected to being felt up by a female security guard and all my belongings swabbed and checked. It was shocking really.

Anyway, I didn't have anything so I got through alright obviously. I get on my flight, and it was fine, not a bad flight, nothing special or anything though. Then when I arrive in Honolulu, they have lost my bags, and really, have no idea where they are. So I've been traveling for about 18 hours, and I have no towel, shampoo, nothing to have a shower with, or change into, so I felt gross. Luckily for me! (NOT) I got a free tshirt and toiletries kit from Delta, but honestly, it's inadequate.

So basically I traveled 3 days in the same stinking outfit, without a shower and feeling extremely grimey and dirty.. (ew).. The good news, is that I managed to hassle the airline enough the next morning at the airport, for them to get their asses going, and actually look for my bags. It turned out they were at Aloha airlines (don't ask) so I got them back, and checked into my Hawaiian flight with little trouble.

So, that is my story of the long long traveling over here. I will update this as much as possible and let you know about everything exciting that happens on my trip here 😊.

Anyway I better be off to find myself a Kangaroo!!

ALOHA! and BYEee!


31st May 2007

Well that seems like a pretty eventful start!! Darn airlines loosing ur bags...dont they know who u are!!!!!! I hope things get better...i know they will!!!!! p.s. I got the job!! xoNicolexo
1st June 2007

It helps to travel on business class!!! kan. 3 days with same clothes wowww! No wonder the back of the plane always have a certain aroma when you walk through..haha! Anyway the most important thing is you arrive safe at your destination
8th June 2007

Would you say it was worse than walking in the same wet socks in Italy for three days?

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