To the South

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May 23rd 2007
Published: May 23rd 2007
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Well, I'm not in Chiang Mai anymore. My room-mate Terry and I left for the South shortly after my arrival to Chiang Mai. I know it sounds a little bazaar, but it was necessary. The journey goes a little like this...
We wake up around 5:45 and take a tuk-tuk (small open air taxi) to the train station; we have coffe and discuss our plans. The train was leaving late, so we ended up on a bus to Bangkok. Oh, Bangkok! It was nicer than the buses in the states: A/C. stewardess, bathroom (squatter though). Since the was over ten hours long, we stopped to eat at the open-air market. I had green curry with chicken, the first bite was so hot it almost made me cry. So we made it into Bangkok but all of the sleepers to Suret Thani were full. We ended up in a car with no A/C and tons of mosquittos. I even opened up my spray bottle and was literally pouring bug spray on myself. That still didn't work. After two hours Terry couldn't take it anymore. He ended up talking to a train employee and talking him into letting us stay in a car with A/C, but for a small price of 100 baht each. Aftera short bus ride and ferry ride, we ended up on Koh Samui. first stop, the hospital. My travel-mates feet were looking pretty sick. Second stop, Hat Chewang Noi. I did a little swimming and walking on the beach but was so tired I ended up going to sleep at 7PM. Woke up early, got a scooter and we checked out the island. It was a fun day. Found a nice beahc to swim at. Checked out a couple of waterfalls, and ate lunch at the island's summit. We even saw a mummified monk, complete with a pair of shades on.

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Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


25th May 2007

Wow, even the unpleasant parts sound at least adventurous! The place looks beautiful and I wonder I could handle the heat. How are Terry's feet now?
25th May 2007

What a monk
It's so hot even the monks need to wear shades. Crazy.
25th May 2007

oh yeah!!!
I am now remenising about my trip, all these photos are so familiar. I am totally jealous, I hope you enjoy the islands. Take plenty of time to scout them out!!!
27th May 2007

Your trip sounds awesome... My friend had an interesting omelette experience on a beach there. Let me know if you do, too. I'd love to hear about it. I can't wait to see all of your pics!

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