Maybe Damascus

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Middle East » Syria » South » Damascus
May 18th 2007
Published: May 18th 2007
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Maybe Damascus

 Middle East » Syria » Damascus By ana_be_good
May 18th 2007
Wow! is all I can say about Damascus. I love it here. My mind is already scheming on how I could come back to love here for a little bit. Apparently there are english schools here that I can work at. Is this it then? Am I meant to come live in Syria for a few months?

This place is just so...kewl, for the lack of a better word. Been hanging out with too many Kiwis on this trip. These people spell awesome with a capital O.

People here are just so nice. Apart from being stared at and Paula getting her ass grabbed, I had the best day. We wandered around town with a map. Played with some children, had the best falafel, got offered things, got given gifts, oh so much happens in just one day!!

Damascus is blowing my mind. I love it here!!

But alas as is the life of a nomad, tomorrow we pack up and go. Jordan it is.


19th May 2007

Lucky Bastard!!
ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?! You lucky ass, I can't believe you're in the Middle East!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JEALOUSSSSSSS NOWWWWWWWW!! Not that I wasn't before... but man I am a deep shade of green here! Bastard!! I can't believe you're in Syria and then are going to Jordan! AHHHHH!!! ADD PICTURES DAMMIT!! Are you going to stay in Syria? Because I am going to come visit you if you are! Seriously. I'll be there in September! If not, then we can meet up in Europe again, I'm going now, and am going to buy my ticket pronto. Let me know!!
21st May 2007

I knew it!!
Hahaha!! Of all the people I know, knew you'd be the most jealous about this trip in particular! Yeah babe, you better believe it!! Let's come live in Syria for a few months next year. I loved Damascus, thinking about going out there coz I'm so not ready to go home!!

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