last day in shanghai

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May 18th 2007
Published: May 18th 2007
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first stop

heathrow to shanghai

first stop
Brad Frankel & Rich Darwin
firstly thank you for all your comments...please keep them coming.

Han... wear all the clothes you want, but dont get them dirty like your dad.

Sam...wink wink nudge nudge, keep me updated

Rus...i think it was better that way, not good with the goodbyes as i'm sure some of the boys will tell you.

Danny...i will never move on.

A quick note before i forget; for many years i have always thought that i would settle elsewhere, and there is still so much of the world for me too see, but the thought of me growing old and settling without you lot around me, makes that impossible.

There is not to much to do in shaghai, but see the skyline and a few cultural things like yuan yuan gardens and the art museum, so i am now all cultured out. we got extremely drunk on both nights, which didnt help us the following day. In about an hour we get a train upto Beijing, where i said i will not drink too much as there is loads to do there, and i want to save some energy for the day time. Hopefully the computers will be a bit better and i will be able to upload some photos...dont get jealous boys.

love and miss you all.



18th May 2007

Finally the penny drops
"but the thought of me growing old and settling without you lot around me, makes that impossible". Thats what Ive been telling you for years. So does this mean your coming home now???
19th May 2007

im happy now
brad..i was getting abit worried..especially when u asked for yr autralian visa to be extended..but after reading ur first paragraph...of growing old at home ...i feel fine!!!!!!!!so enjoy enjoy enjoy hope the train journey was ok and u managed to get some sleep..cant wait to see photos of the soldiers...its meant to be amazing....take care of yourselves both of u....luv ya loads....xx

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