richy not feeling 'flowery'

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Asia » China » Shanghai
May 17th 2007
Published: May 17th 2007
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so this is the second time i'm writing this as the first time i went to save it and the computer kicked me out. we're pretty much settled in shanghai, its crazy how quickly you can acclimatize. We have booked our tickets to beijing, which leaves tom night...its a 12 hr train ride, but we have beds in a dorm and they are meant to be really good out here.
We went for a stroll the first night, got a bite to eat and hasssled by loads of chinese ladies wanting to be our friends...some of them are lovely, but i've been good...honest mum. we got up pretty early to book the ticket and then went to yuan yuan gardens for some dunmplings...i should never have let rich order, as chicken feet are not my favourite dish. i felt queazy for the rest of the meal. anyway its all part of the fun. Its a pretty cool place to have a stroll around, very ancient arichitecture with loads of history, not that we understood much of it, but a lot of it has to do with drinking tea...massive tea culture out here, love a tea ceremony. We had our afternoon nap then went out with Dianna got some food and went looking for a bar, which was a mission. We found some other westerners and went to a place called i love shanghai, which was crap so moved on to zapata's (something like that). It was awesome, outside bar , indoor club...we got very drunk on tequilla's..they kept playing ' makes you happy' and pouring out free tequilla everywhere, by this point to no suprise i was up on the bar, with a danish guy called asker break dancing....i'm a born pro. He had a friend yonas, who when we met was gettin hold of a local, good luck to him. They are both hilarius and we all drank uintil 4am and then went on the hunt for food. We found a guy closing up his stool, and bought all of his stock of chocolate biscuts and then found a window selling some pork dumplings...we bought 5 for 40p, they were lovely.

we woke up feeling pretty bad, needed the lie in though. eventually i got richy up and dressed, not literally, and we got some food, it was a struggle to get him to eat, but i knew once he had eaten he would feel so much better, and he does...his back to his laughing self.

its now 18:10 and we are meant to be meeting the danes in 50mins....its going to be an ealry one or a very messy one, my bets are on the latter....tomorrow is our last day in shanghai, so we are just about to plan what we want to do before we leave....but guessing by the last few days..most of the stuff you plan goes out the lets wait and see...

love and miss you all.

speak soon

Brad and Richy

p.s. sam...well done, x


17th May 2007

Watch Out
For the Lady Boys...
17th May 2007

Chickens feet dont sound too good! By the sound of it you'r both making the most of your travels already, seems like you've already met some interesting people! Whats the weather like there? its been raining loads here and is very muggy. Hope you're feeling better Rich and the train journey isn't too bad tomorrow, its good that you have beds, that should pass some time! Martin and Neil have come up to me and asked what you mean by well done! lol Thanks waiting for the confirmation letter then will tell Sara hopefully tomorrow! Another 3 people leave tomorrow including Charlotte from Segz desk. Have a good nite love and miss you lots too xxxxxxx
17th May 2007

missing you both!!
hey guys....sounds amazing hope ur having fun....and brad i am wearing all your cosy jumpers :):) x rich.....well i havent got anything of yours lol but i miss you both !!!!!!! hope your travel is good! love ya loads x han x
17th May 2007

12 hour train ride??? you got to have a screw loose to do this travelling malarchy! glad to hear your having a great time dudes!
18th May 2007

hi guys
im glad your both having a great time xx

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