First week of teaching

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Africa » Ghana
May 14th 2007
Published: May 14th 2007
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Last monday i began my time as a teacher. Seeing that the first 3 days of the term consisted of clearing the compund i thought that maybe classes would be commencing on the following Monday. I was wrong. Those children who didnt come on the first 3 days were punished by collecting rocks. 5 rocks for each day missed. These were added to the already massive pile of rocks which i assume is from previous punishments. After this they had to go and clear another section of weeds. I was relieved when it was time for assembly as i thought the children had been sufficiently punished. I began to wonder why so many of the children were running away. None were sucessful and several were carried back kicking and screaming. The school was then split into two. The teachers then proceeded to cane 70% of the school. I flinched each time and i actually thought i was going to cry. One teacher noticed and allowed me to sit inside, though i could still hear the sound of the cane hitting the childrens backsides and i could hear the occasional yelp or whimper. It was awful.

On Tuesday i began by observing one of the 3 classes i would be teaching. B6 which is equivelant to yr 6 althought the ages range between 10 and 16. I was shocked to learn that 1\3 of the class is illiterate. More shocking was the teachers genuine lack of care. When i began pondering this he blamed the village. The poor quality education is partly to blame on illiterate parents and a lack of role models but mainly to blame on poor teaching. The kids arent always well behaved but regardless a teachers role is to ensure a basic standard of education. I simply could not understand how a child could have been in school for 6 years and still be illiterate. I was feeling very apprehensive about teaching to say the least.

During break a teacher told me i was invited. I had no idea what she meant until she pulled out a bowl of fufu and soup and wanted me to share her food. I tried as politley as i could to refuse yet it was to no avail. We used our hands and there was alot of slurping on her behalf. I ate as much of the ground maize which is alike to glue as i could. I thought i would be sick.

After break i was meant to be observing B5 except when i reached the classroom the class informed me that the teacher had left. woot. I had a quick flick through the exercise book and found where the kids where up to and apprehensivley approached the front of the classroom and began writing on the board, the chalk piercing the silence. However as soon as i turned my back there was mayhem in the classroom. I have never seen anything like it. Kids were jumping out the windows, 3 boys were rolling around kicking, punching and biting eachother, one girl was crying and the rest were laughing, dancing and singing. After a few attempts at quitening the class i had no choice but to pick up the cane and bang it on the desk. As soon as i had done this everyone ran back to their seats and there was momentary silence.

I attempted to read through the passage with the class but very few could follow. I resorted to exercises from a text book aimed at kindy kids. The class was very naughty still so i resorted to alternative punishments and by the end i had a child in each corner facing the wall with their hands on their heads. I gave out stickers for correct answers but this lead to the class writing just about any words, letters on numbers they knew on the board in the hope it would be right. Just when i thought that the class was going well one of the male teachers came in and asked me who had been fooling. I did not want to pin point students as i knew they would get the cane but the class began pointing to my host brother who had been particuarly naughty and was in the corner closest to the teacher. The teacher then gave him a considerable caning. It was horrible and i felt so responsible.

aaaaaaaaaaah yet again 3 minutes left. To be continued.....



17th May 2007

Tough teaching gig!
Katie, I'm an old teacher. And I did my student practice teaching while I was studying at Teacher's College. One of my practice schools was bad old notorious Narrabeen Girls High - and I was given a feral Year 9 class which rioted on me. But NONE of my experiences come anywhere near yours. Especially all the caning. I witnessed plenty of canings when I was a frightened kid myself at Newport Primary but nothing of what you've had to witness as a teacher. What can be a very effective tool is drama with wild and easily distracted kids. Try getting them to role play their own lives - their family life, things that happen in the village. They'll enjoy it and it might help you survive! Whatever happens I think you're a STAR. big hug - yr proud old auntie from Melbourne
18th May 2007

Darling-it sounds hair-raising!You also sound like you are coping very well-what an achievement!! lol-Mum.
19th May 2007

katiieee booo i miss youu!!!!
KAtieeee DDDD i miss you so ... i just read all of your blog and been laughing and crying haha (josh just thinks im crazy) but whatever you sound like your having an undescribabley amazing time. Im so proud of you and i miss you so much i willl sms you soon love you love bee xxxxx
26th May 2007

Hey katie!! How are you?? I just got ur blog address from guzzy. It sound slike you are having an amazing experiene in Ghana and I'm so proud of you. You sund like you're handling all the difficulties so well!!! Tanzania is awesome, village life and SPW hard at times but only 3 months to go. I'm seeing Guzzy in 3 weeks which is reallt exciting! Anyway take care and send me an email! love sadha xxxx
28th May 2007

Heyy hun sounds like ur kids r just as hard 2 teach as ours! we´ve found the same, no discipline n some dont even speak spanish (they speak quechuan) let alone know how to read or write it! the peru crews having an awesome time though hope u guys r too. take care of urselves some of ur adventures sound pretty terrifying! cant wait to catch up in europe, i get 2 london august 6th, lemme know ur plans n say hey 2 chelsie n ferg 4 me! xx
10th June 2007

sadha. omg internet here is attrocious and i have about 7 adresses for u. hehe. so send me the right one. another thing: lets be reunited in europe. u down with that? I can't believe how well u r doing. If times are tough sadha is tougher. i am so proud of u tooooooooooo. say hello to guzzy for me. Lots of love chicken love katie

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