More Ft Lauderdale

Published: August 6th 2007
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As promised...As promised...As promised...

Will post more pics tomorrow.
I wasn't actually going to write anything today - but stuff happened yesterday!

We saw big-ass lizards when we were walking back from the beach. There are loads of little ones milling around all the time, but these were the kind you only see in zoos. They were next to this pond by the side of the road. I like wildlife-spotting (will definitely post pics of these guys and the peacocks when I get the chance).

Last night we were joined by another couple in our room. One belly dancer left in the morning, so there were still three of us in a four-person room, but then we were told that two more people were coming in. One of the poor lads had to sleep on some air bed thing. (Oh, Americans don't understand me when I say 'lads' - I get funny looks. Can't bring myself to say 'guys though). They're French-Canadian but speak good English - seem nice so far.

We walked along the beach again yesterday, was lovely looking and very crowded. I also managed to buy some cheapo-but-not-nasty (I hope!) sunglasses. So I'm no longer squinting!

Times to go anyways.


30th April 2007

Carry on writing!
Hi Vicky - Don't worry about writing every day - it's great to hear of all the interesting (and exciting)things that are happening to you! Can't wait to see the pictures! Love Mum XXX
30th April 2007

If they kick off on the 'lads' thing, start talking rhyming slang ;)
1st May 2007

I sooooooooooooo cant wait to see the pics of the lizzards you saw, that is so cool. I'm glad you are no longer squinting Vicky :-) Gem xxx
2nd May 2007

you're going to have a killer tan!
You've packed so much in, if they don't get english just try explaining a small language called welsh at them - creep them out call'em Boyo. Take care vicky xxxxxx

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