Finally a free computer!

Published: August 6th 2007
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A peacockA peacockA peacock

I had to get a cat in there as well!
I was really annoyed about the computer situation in Orlando. It would have cost us $12 to go online for an hour! We had to quickly go on to book this hostel, but unfortunately that was all we could bring ourselves to shell out for. Those Disney prices are ridiculous anyways - we got charged a resort fee of $7 a day for the facilities which we hardly used! I did have a nice time at Disney though - loved the Monsters Inc laughter show and the random Lilo and Stitch thing (don't have time to describe it, the beach is beckoning. Don't want to ruin it for anybody who happens to go either!)

I found Americans who understood me yesterday! The bus drivers - we had to change busses three times to get to the Greyhound stop, and I had a nice long conversation about politics with the first one. He despises Blair and claims that he led Bush into the war. I said we probably don't have to power to do that, but agreed with the sentiment that they're both morons. He said our paper-and-pens voting system is superior than they're strange electronic system (I mentioned all the disputes over the Florida election when Bush was "voted in" - he claims Florida was just made a scapegoat and it was everywhere. We didn't argue though - I thought the bus driver was a cool guy, and he was advising us on Ft Lauderdale and Arizona. All these drivers know every route and connection too - is pretty impressive (and very helpful!)

Ft Lauderdale seems nice so far - we did get lost on the way to the hostel though, and we went past thise couple so many times (well, twice) looking all lost and sweaty with our bags that they asked if they could help. They ended up telling us all the nice places to go and driving us to this place! They were so lovely - would've taken us ages otherwise, and it was really nice to have an insiders perspective on the place. They showed us 'peacock avenue', which is this road just randomly in the missle somewhere that has about 60 peacocks living on it. They don't go anywhere else. Very strange - but fun to see. I did get pictures, but as usual that'll have to wait.

We're off to the beach today, but ahve to buy some towels and sandels first. Am so sick of wearing these shoes!!

Thanks again for all the notes and messages, I will reply to the personally when I get the time (and can think of witty replies!)


28th April 2007

you went to disney? im so jealous, hope u were thinking of me! glad its all going well xxx
28th April 2007

Good to hear from you!
Sounds great! You'll have to give me more Florida details soon! Shame it's been so difficult (and expensive) getting on a computer. Take care and enjoy everything! Love to Aaron too, Mum XXX

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