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April 28th 2007
Published: April 28th 2007
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Charlotte and the dreaded OctopusCharlotte and the dreaded OctopusCharlotte and the dreaded Octopus

Certainly something we should all try once - marinated Octopus!
Hello World! The Pitts made it to Tasmania!

So here I am on day 3 in Tasmania sitting at the breakfast table in the kitchen in Ulverstone typing in our Travelblog.

Day one of the adventure was driving to Cairns leaving by 7am in order to get to Cairns, achieve a couple of little goals and catch our flight Cairns to Sydney by Virgin Blue. No adventure here of course. A smooth and reasonably quick flight. Sitting in the airport at Sydney then catching the next flight Sydney to Hobart.

First night was at the Argyle Motor Inn. Love it. We had a ‘cottage’ which is really half a converted house. We had 2 bedrooms, kitchenette, Lounge etc., Very spacious and comfortable. The people at the Motor Inn were also very nice and accommodating given that it was about 10.15pm when we got in!

The next morning breakfast was delivered on time and exactly what we ordered! Checking out was easy and then we headed to the car hire place. Once we had the car we were off!

We drove north from Hobart headed up to Ross which is slightly off the main highway and drove over the bridge build by convicts. Ross is a historical township with lots of antiques stores and heritage signage.

From there we drove to Perth where we stopped for lunch and then detoured towards Deloraine on our way to Ulverstone. The road was clear and we had a great run. We arrived at Grandma and Grandpas house by 2.30 pm not having left Hobart until about 10am. So even with detours we were here in about 4 hours.

Now mind you, while we had a clear and easy run it seems that not long after us someone didn’t and we avoided a bad smash by about an hour or so on the Midland Hwy which killed 2 and put 6 in hospital.

Today we decided to head off to Stanley so we made the hour or so drive arriving about 11.30am and drove around. We headed to the Seaquarium which is a small but well run facility which focuses on the natural sea wildlife of the area. There were Seahorses, octopus, and the largest crabs! The girls got to pet both a Tasmanian Crab and a Hermit Crab.

Lunch was at the Stanley Hotel - great food with Mark ordering the local Seafood which included marinated Octopus. Charlotte had some and declared that while she liked the octopus the ‘suckers’ weren’t so great! Then we made the trek back via Wynyard and Penguin.

The weather is cool with some light rain, and while at Stanley we got to experience the strong winds from Bass Strait which were very cold indeed. The girls and Mark indulged me in standing by the waterside where it was strongest. Stanley itself is a small coastal village with older housing. There is a lot to do with Seal cruises, the Seaquarium and of course lots of Antique shops and yummy cafes. The roads to Stanley from Ulverstone are initially through hinterland and then run along the coast. It is interesting to look at the Grey/Green waters and watch the white frothy wash hit the rocky coastline. If you are in this way during the cooler months leading to Winter we recommend that you carry a very warm coat!


28th April 2007

half your luck
Hi guys ,half your luck,wish we were there instead of doing school and nursing the flu !
29th April 2007

Response to the Poverty Mob
Aah but do remember Mark is here to work and we registered for the conference today :)

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