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Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi
April 26th 2007
Published: August 7th 2007
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Hi all,

Well, as you might have gathered, we found a computer that was not only fast but one where downloading our photos actually worked again!

We just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone who has sent their messages & comments on the blog. We love reading them, and it's great to get something back! We haven't yet had a chance to individually respond to everyone who has, which is why we wanted to say thanks now, and please, keep them up! It's great to hear from you all back home and believe it or not, we do miss you!

We are in Hanoi at the moment and leave for a 3 day trip to Halong Bay tomorrow morning, and then onto Sapa in the highlands after that.
Hopefully we will get a couple more blogs out in between if we get the chance!

Cheers to all,
Love Shell, Gav & Mia

PS. Happy 60th birthday Mum!!


28th April 2007

Just wanting to tell you guys that I am enjoying reading all your blogs. It sometime feels I am there with you. I even get relaxed, frustrated and angry with you. Sounds like you guys are having a ball. I just cannot believe you can do all this and find the time to write about it. Anyway, I will organise the kids 5th Birthday for when you guys come back. Keep up the blogs, they are a lot of fun.

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