my new friend and son cran

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April 22nd 2007
Published: April 22nd 2007
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hello everyone just a quick update. what a crazy week i've had. i'm now a wreck and search and recovery speciality diver. not sure what that means but i'm only 3 away from becoming a master scuba diver.

so i'm know aloud to penetrate (go inside wrecks) and i even did my first ever night dive as well. i was pretty nervous about going in. it was absolutely pitch black except what you shine your torch on. i thought i would be petrified but it was kind of relaxing although i did have a few freaked out moments. but the best bit for me was surfacing and being under all the amazing stars. i had a little moment.which unfortunately resulted in me loosing my torch. good start.

i had the most amazing dive today. these are the pics that my buddy took. the turtle was absolutely massive and we swam together for ages. it was very humbling and a great experience.

this last week has been the son cran festival, which translates as water festival. basically it has been a week long water fight. everywhere else in thailand celebrate for a couple of days but hear in pattaya it has been mental for about 8 days. the minute you walk out of the door to the minute you step back in your absolutely soaked all day. you get buckets of water thrown on you, water guns, not just little one but proper super soakers. they've had pumping trucks lining the streets with hydraulic hoses getting everyone on the way past. it has been brilliant but i'm glad it's now over.

on the actual day itself the 19th it seemed like the whole of thailand had come to pattaya and were in the streets. there was the normal drenching but you also get covered in this kind on flower paste. it's meant to be a blessing they just love getting as much as they can on you. some little bastards put tiger barm in it aswell so it stings like nobody business! we all met at the bar at 10am and i didn't get in until 8pm that night. we walked into walking street along the beach road. to be honest at sometimes it was a bit scary at the amount of people that were crammed into the streets and they all seemed to want to shove muck in your face or down your top. but we all stuck together and everyone was in high spirits. this is the only problem with traveling on your own. i don't get to share any of this with you. so when i come to tell you about it, it never does it justice. but anyway it was one of the best days i have had in asia and an experience that will last a lifetime.

last night was so funny. i just went along to the bar for a quiet one, lynsey paul and a few others were there. another intern was there aswell, his name is josh. he was absolutely wasted. street sellers came around with bugs to eat. we brought the biggest one there was and gave it to him to eat. he ate it and then just sit i9n his chair and puked it up all down himself. it was so funny. we them told him to ring the bar bell. when someone rings the bell they have to buy the whole bar a drink. he did it 3 times. we told the bar staff to let him off, which they were going to do. but he insisted. so the whole bar got 3 free drinks. so a quiet night down the bar turned into a great night and we ended up in walking street. josh wasn't to happy when he turned up at the bar the next day to find a 5000 baht bill. ha ha

anyway chow for now. i will try and get some son cran pics to show you just how crazy it was. these pics are just from outside the bar they are nothing compared!!!!!!!

love you all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Photos: 18, Displayed: 18


22nd April 2007

la la la
trust you rebecca rouse to lose your torch!! what a plonka!! we cant see them pics they are just black, i really wanted to see your new friend!! love ya honey xxx
28th April 2007

hey bec!! i can see your pics this time i looked! it looks amazing, you look soo at home there!! looks like your having the best time!! i cant wait to come and visit you!! when we get there i want to cram as much in to the holiday as possible!! i cant wait to go down the street with all the lady boys in, how funny!! any ideas what you gonna do when you get back, lets go exploring the rest of the world!! you heard from james much?? iv forgotten my email password so i cant read them, so no point replying today. iv tried ringing you three times today, i just fancied a chat, missing you lots xxx love you honey take care sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mwa
29th April 2007

Hello!! I am in love!! Haha! Slight exaggeration i must admit but i did meet the most gorgeous man today! I phoned the police this morning as i seen a robbery and then this policeman came round the house and i had to give a statement. He was totally gorgeous! He said that i might have to go to court as a witness but most likely wont if these people admit to it. My arm is still swollen from injections! Has stopped hurting now though.Im starting to annoy everyone now by keep going on about the holiday but im so excited!! Txt me in the week if your not busy and i will give you a call! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
1st May 2007

boom boom boom shake the room
heellllllo rebecca!!! how you doing, have you moved rooms yet??? i hope you make your room in to a palace, full of freshly picked flowers and quirky becky arty things!! guess what i booked your T4 on the beach ticket, so we can go away for a weekend, its me you kirsty tom and michael. how lovely!! lets hope the sun is shining!! it was lovely to speak to you this afternoon honey, just lovely!! missing you, but i know im gonna see you very soon so its all cool!! love you lots cheeky xxx
2nd May 2007

Im at work and really really bored! I start a new job on monday. I got offered it yesterday. Its still where i am now, just a different role. I had to make a decision yesterday as i got offered two different ones in one day! I had a really stressful day deciding which one would benefit me in the longer term. I know i really want the Police more than anything, but i dont want to shoot myself in the foot by not developing where i am whilst im still here, just incase im unsuccessul with the police. I start my training for the one i chose this afternoon. Will be good for a bit of variety for a while! Have you decided when you are coming back yet?xxxxxx
5th May 2007

hey bex!! how you doin?? you been busy with your course i expect!! im off out tonight for kerrys birthday, going into town for a mad one hopefully, loads of us going!! i know this is gonna sound girlie, but, iv had loads of my hair chopped off so its really short, well bob length, and you know how curly my hair is. well do you have straightners or anything, i mean i know when we are travelling i cant really straighten my hair, oh dear im gonna look a mess, nevermind, il just have to wear a bandanna. i counted today and its 5 weeks, im sure they will fly by. its a month tommorrow we leave!! iv got so much on before then though. rachels baby is due in four days aaarrrgggghhhhhhhh, how exciting. then its a firends wedding, then its danielles wedding, there is something else that i cant remember now and then thailand. gutted, iv been growing my nail for so long and im so proud cause my nails never grow and iv only just gone and broke it on the keyboard writing this, so rebecca you better appreciate this. it was lovely speaking to you the other day, keep having fun honey and il see you in 5 weeks!!!!!! love ya, take care xxx

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