home stretch

Published: April 18th 2007
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goofing aroundgoofing aroundgoofing around

aaarrrrrr matee
we are back into the heat wave here.... plus 36 or so today, its been much cooler the last week and a half or so.

work on the house continues to move along well, herman told us that when a team is here working they usually puts them ahead of schedule by approx. 3 months.

this is our last week here, we are going to be sad to leave, but we are missing our friends, family, animals and our privacy!!
its funny what you take for granted until you are rooming with at least 15 others for 5 weeks.

we went out again tonite to the pizzaria, and we are pizzaria-ed out! we are looking forward to canadian pizza again.
(other things we are looking forward to are: our own bed, english television, tim hortons, burger king, little saigon, our comfy couch, hearing people speak english, and last but certainly not least ..... a roach free environment... can we all say WAHOOOOO!!!

we´ve taken a few more pictures of how things are progressing at the house.

thanks for keeping in touch, and for the prayers, please continue to pray for us during this final week.
got water?got water?got water?

its finished, all thats left is to build the pump house and pipe the water into the house

love to everyone
laura & alex

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18th April 2007

Missing you
Hey, great to hear about the mounting death toll! Keep up the good work Alex! Went for supper at Saigon with Mark last night. Had a good time. Sure am missing you. Can't believe that it's already been 4 weeks! Can't wait to see you guys! Much love and hugs, girl Shawne
20th April 2007

No more blogging...
Hello You Two, Now that you are blog champions, you should continue this once your return home, that way the kids there can still enjoy you but from a different region.....it could become a full time job though keeping it up - and speaking of jobs.....are you both ready to hit the work upon your return? And speaking of return....and idea how you are getting from the airport to here - I am sure you cannot afford the $200 taxi ride home....or can you? LOL Only a few more days and hopefully I can help you out on one of the things you miss....Little Saigon....I was going to say speak english, but I cannot even remember where I am half the time never mind having to put english words together to form a sentence......LOVE YOU BOTH!

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