happy new year...lets throw water and flour over you!

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Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok
April 16th 2007
Published: April 16th 2007
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well we arrived in thailand...it was certainly an experience!

met goergi at the airport and got on a bus to bangkok....it was so so hot. anyway, caught up on the bus. the bus however didnt go to our stop becuase it was thai new year...so we thought oh well well be fine...just a short walk. yes. a short walk that took us an hour as the streets were mobbed with people...throwing water and a clay paste on each other. as the only clean westerners...we got mobbed but it was great fun! finally got to our hotle soaked and white...great photos to come! got into the room...put a skirt on and got back out there to party with bangkok! joined the street party...and got some food from the street people...mango and sticky rice...and yet more cheap beer!

so yes...we were welcomed to thailand by having about 2000 people wipe clay in my face!

now were a bit cleaner...we've sorted things out and are off to ko tao tonight to meet gina...cant wait! BEACH!


16th April 2007

I'm really dying of envy now!!!!!!!!!!! Photos please!!! I've heard it's the most beautiful place........Be careful tho.......
16th April 2007

Emma: The food fight in Portugal a few years should have put you in good stead for the Thai New Year!!!!! Cxxxxxx
16th April 2007

I thought you were going to Vietnam next, not Thailand. In HK, who did you stay with? It seems you're having a fabulous time, have fun!
17th April 2007

Last Episode OC....
Can't wait for the pics...last epsiode ever of OC next week....this one was soooooo oooooooo sad!!!!and OTH started two weeks ago...what ever happened to advertising it...lols

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