Chiang Mai

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Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai
March 11th 2007
Published: March 16th 2007
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Again, no detail.

An uneventful , quick and easy journey brought us to Chiang Mai, a big city of 1.5 million souls in the North of Thailand. This being our first time in Thailand we had high hopes about what is by far the most popular country in South East Asia.

The city itself is Thailands second city but it doesn't feel that big or busy. It's also like we have taken a massive step west as we are now back in a place with modern highrise buildings, McDonalds , Subway , Boots, Starbucks (is there no escape!!) and western style bars compete to advertise the best english breakfast , in some ways you could be anywhere which was a bit of a letdown.

Don't know why anybody would eat this western food anyway when you have probably the best food in the world everywhere around you. You can eat on the street for 50 pence or you can grab a load of fresh fruit for loose change, its a fat boy paradise , Thai food is the best.

We got more into this in the best possible way by enrolling on a thai cooking course with the thai chocolate cooking

Ken Hom's days are numbered!
school. We spent a whole day basically cooking and eating, the course was all hands on and you did eveything except cleaning up, good. You also started out with a morning market visit to learn about Thai food. we cooked spring rolls, green curry, stir friend prawns with noodles, papaya salad, banana in toffee and stir fried chicken and basil, and then ate them all. Not bad for one day, had difficulty walking back though!!!!

Also in Chiang Mai we met up with Neil again our friend from home and went about checking out the Thai nightlife. We headed to a place called the Brasserie where they have live music. An excellent Bob Marley-esq tribute band and an even better Jimi Hendrix / Cream-esq tribute band, although the main man seemed to have trouble finnishing a song, but then again so did Hendrix. The drinks and food were a bt pricey though, at least for over here.

The other drawcard for Chaing Mai is the huge night markets that seem to go on for ever! they are supposed to be cheaper than Bangkok and sell a big range of stuff, however as with all markets in SE Asia after 20 minutes you have seen every product on offer and it is just repeated everywhere. Not that that's a problem as its the best place for people watching by a mile . . .

So thats our introduction to Thailand, and so far so good , although for one thing its a fair bit dearer than Vietnam and Lao, not that we can complain when you compare it with back home. But you know you have been spoiled for price when you complain that a room now costs you 7 quid a nigh and you think thats expensive.

There are one or two photos to upload but I will get round to it, it didn't seem like the most photogenic city we have been or maybe we were not in the mood. Apparantly there are some great trekking oppotunities nearby but we didn't have the time for that either, there are loads of temples too , but please no more temples for a while.


17th March 2007

chips where's the chips
wot no chips
19th March 2007

You do look nice in your pinnies! ooking forward to a tatser when you get back home. love dad
19th March 2007

I can see you both on Ready Steady Cook in the near future!

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