It may take luck but,

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March 18th 2007
Published: March 19th 2007
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Brittany and the Pup

This is what us poor people that have daily and weekly obligations call a vacation. Don't worry though, I will not always be taking such pathetic little trips. I save for all kinds of things.
If Vinny Carbone can win 5 million dollars on a NY scratch off, I can certainly figure out how to make and save a large amount of "scratch" here and there (refer to blog title).

This weekend I decided against waiting around for St. Pattys Day plans and took a small road trip with a friend to visit her family. (Got me out of town for a couple days)
For a while now this is what I plan on doing; just taking a few weekend trips to the surrounding states and drivable or shortly flyable distances. Hopefully come summer time I will decide upon visiting Venice Italy... or if that fails, at least Californ-IA (California).

Anyhow the next planned weekend road trip, for me, will be Saratoga Springs NY. (I hope)

Postings and pictures to everywhere I visit will follow. (As long as my camera doesn’t act up.)

I'm currently in New Jersey, and I highly recommend, NOT coming here... Not

Long yellows
only is it boring (as expected) but, a quick search of things to do, yields nothing but the closed casinos in Atlantic city; Not ONE monument, statue, or touristy thing, nor "Off the beaten path," COOL things either.

I took a picture of a street light how ever, and at this instance a police officer rolled down his window and questioned what the hell I was taking a picture of... It was at this moment I realized, not even the locals think jersey is a place to call anything but hell... hell frozen over in this case...

So In conclusion, NEVER visit Jersey; for all it has to offer, is ridiculously long yellows.

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Me and the Pup

Brittany and the Pup
Hell frozen overHell frozen over
Hell frozen over

Hell frozen over... Jersey = bleck

19th March 2007

commenting myself...
at least the dog is cute.

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