Brussels is Yummy

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March 12th 2007
Published: March 12th 2007
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It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything and I’m sorry! I have been busy as Morgan has been here for the past few weeks. We actually just got back from Brussels this last weekend where we stayed in a flat. *oohh lala* It was really nice. Brussels itself is beautiful. It’s so different from Florence and it was amazing to get away. The city has big huge boulevard streets lined with trees and you can actually see more than a sliver of sky! Florence’s streets are too small. It was cold there but wonderful. Cars actually stop to let you cross the street!! I have never been so excited about something so goofy before. Haha. I kept telling myself not to get used to it though…and sure enough as soon as stepping foot back in Italy I was reminded why. In Brussels we were dutiful tourists and made sure to eat lots of waffles and chocolate. I got myself some Belgian lace as well. We went on a tour of the city, into an art gallery where we saw a real life Picasso. Imagine that. Georges Braques, Henry Matisse and others that non art people probably don’t care about. But it
School for the BlindSchool for the BlindSchool for the Blind

Too bad they can't appreciate how pretty it is!
was NEAT. Then we went into a museum of musical instruments and it was so cool. It was in an old art deco building and you’d wear headphones and walk around and when you stood in front of an instrument the headphones would automatically play you clips of music played on that instrument. They had stuff from all over the world from all time periods. So cool.
We also did a little shopping…My wardrobe is very slowly starting to grow again *moment of silence please for the lost bag*. We actually found an H&M. Finally!
We saw a lot of almost famous people…or maybe we almost saw famous people…I swear to you Colin Farrell served us waffles and the Dursley’s from Harry Potter sat in front of us on the bus. Do not doubt me, it happened.
There was a moment when Morgan got stuck in the subway doors that was less exciting, but when we found each other again on the other side of town we felt pretty proud of ourselves for surviving the underground.
Heads up to all who go to Brussels:
The Charleroi airport is not actually IN Brussels as we found at 1 in the morning
Me and a cowMe and a cowMe and a cow

when our plane FINALLY landed. 150 Euro cab ride so don’t miss the last bus into town!
I have to say also that when talking to people there I couldn’t stop speaking Italian (even though they speak French and Flemish…who’s ever heard of Flemish?). Who knew I head it in me!? Coming back into Italy was almost a relief. I felt like I can actually TALK to people here. That’s an odd feeling let me tell you.
So while in Italy I speak Spanitalish (an odd and entirely inappropriate combination of Spanish, Italian, and English) in Belgium it was Englitalispanch. (English, Italian, Spanish, and the 4 words I know in French). Pretty sure people were laughing at me all weekend. I know Colin Farrell did.
On our way back to Florence we stopped by Pisa and checked out that leaning tower. Pictures never do anything justice because it was REALLY leaning. It was so odd to see a building falling over like that. So we did the touristy thing there and pretended to hold it up. Us an about a hundred other people.
When we finally got back to Florence it oddly felt like coming home. It was a relief to be able to communicate, and know my way around. This weekend made me realize also how much I hate flying. I’m nervous now for mine and Jake’s trip at the end. A lot of traveling and it’s so exhausting. Airplanes make me motion sick or nervous sick or something but it is NOT a fun time. I hope I can get over that because I have so much traveling planned for the next few months. Vienna, Prague, back to Venice, Athens, Santorini, maybe Sicily and then everywhere with Jake. Eeek. Maybe I’ll just walk…

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13th March 2007

Morgan got stuck in a door?

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