Club Nights June 7-17

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June 7th 2005
Published: July 27th 2005
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Moto, Lars, and I @ Shibuya
7 June 2005 - Club Harlem
I went to a club in Shibuya with two friends, Lars and Moto. Moto is a really cool 30-year old Japanese friend I've made here at my dorm. It was the first night we went clubbing -- he had been busy the past few months cramming for his CPA certification. We STARTED the night off with some QQ (100 yen store) cola and gin... the cola tasted real funky, but the mix was not bad at all. We decided to just chill and watch for girls at Shibuya crossing. Then, I suggested a NAMPA game, in which we were all unsuccessful -- ask me bout this sometime. Later, we met with OTHER friends to hit up Harlem. Harlem was not that great that night actually, and I didn't get any hits. Became bored with an hour or so left, so a group of us went to karaoke. That's it.

11 June 2005 - Roppongi
I wanted to have dinner with Melissa Sato, from home, and introduce Mika to her sometime, and this night was the chance. I never got to check out the ROPPONGI Hills Complex, and had hoped I would get

Moto's the blur in the middle talking to some chick... no luck :(
to, but we got there a bit late. I still got to go to a really really good restaurant i had read awesome reviews for called CHINESE Cafe Eight -- it's famous for a 28 dollar whole duck... and it's open 24 hours! Dinner was indeed amazing, and I was satisfied (not stuffed though) - cost to me was only 15. Melissa is really good at Japanese, so it was nice she could chat with Mika a lot. They exchanged numbers after too.
After dinner, Mika and I headed to Velfarre, a MEGACLUB by Avex in Roppongi. It was a bit expensive at 3500 yen, but it's really nice. My favorite part is the platforms girls can dance on, hehe. The worst part is that it usually closes at 2am -- this event ended at around 2:30, and we were cleared out by 3 though. After that, we chilled at Starbucks for a little bit. The MANGO cake was pretty good, but their hot chocolate sucks so BAD! I really like Doutor's hot chocolate (it's a Japanese cafe chain). Finally, we headed to a manga KISSA. It's basically an internet cafe, except you can read all the manga and

Group out @ Harlem Beat
magazines you want, or borrow their dvd's to watch at your booth, or their ps2 games to play at your booth! Plus, there are showers, and free drinks from the vending machines! It's a steal at 1500 yen for 5 hours (from 3am to 8am - the "night" package or whatever). Oh, and the couches are leather, and the view is pretty darn cool. The only thing is the place isn't really soundproof... well, not at all. You can hear people's alarms go off in the morning, or people chatting in the next booth. Oh well. It was a good night. Oh yea, and I got a picture of a guy SLEEPING on the platform, waiting for the morning train.

17 June 2005 - Ever
This was supposed to be THE night of clubbing where our dorm went out with Moto-san. Moto's friend was DJing that night, so he got us in free. We went early to drink a little and hang out. So I didn't know Aoyama, where the "club" Ever was located, was supposed to be the trendiest place in Tokyo. No kidding. We first spot two really hot classy chicks walk into the place, and

Melissa's friends... forgot their names :(
I give Seth and Ari this look that says "... you know what I'm talkin bout!" Then, while we were drinking and hanging out in the ALLEY, we see a lamborghini go by. A few minutes later, a ferari goes by. After that, a BMW 6 series drives by. Jeez. I wonder how much the place kicks up on weekends...
Anyway, we were looking forward to a great night. We got in and the music the DJ friend played was New York House. It was ok. I had fun using glow sticks and glow bracelets. The two hot girls from earlier left, we guessed. There weren't many other lookers in the club, and it was really dark. It really was a NICE club though, with a lounge area that's chill for talking to your date or whatever. I took Mika up to the second floor lounge, with the VIP room, that was closed off. At first, she was saying it was "impossible," but I explained I was a foreigner with an accent, so I could just play it off like we didn't know any better... The VIP room was pretty cool. Anyway, it was a pretty chill night, and

Mika, Melissa, and friend
we all BONDED. Everyone fell asleep on the train BACK. Oh yea, and Lars ended the night with a nice pose with a school BOY who had passed out...

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friend and me (very hungry)

Me and two beautiful ladies: Mika and Melissa

The first dish was some sorta vegetable.. it was YUM!!

So hungry I started on the food before remembering to take a pic: that's some fried rice, and sweet & sour veggies.

Sweet & sour chicken? It was ok.

I don't know what kinda greens these are, but they were AMAZING!!

The main course: you wrap up the duck in these tortilla things... forgot what it's called. DELICIOUS!

The main course @ Chinese Cafe Eight; only 30 bucks for a whole duck!

Broth made from rest of duck... not bad at all.

Dessert: the pudding was good, but the coconut milk balls sucked.

Velfarre in Roppongi

There were hired dancers performing on the main stage, but they weren't hot at all.

The bar @ Velfarre (there's another on the other side of club too)

VIP lounge upstairs of Velfarre

... YES! Finally, I've found some dance stages. But too bad it's only for girls :(

The mango chocolate cake @ starbucks is pretty good. Price is a bit steep @ 4 though.

23rd July 2005

u still owe me a massage...and a cd wit pix...

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