Amazing History and Shesha

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March 2nd 2007
Published: March 2nd 2007
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Sphinx & PyramidSphinx & PyramidSphinx & Pyramid

That Is The One We Entered.. The Lime On Top Used To Cover Each To Give It A Smooth Look All Over
G'day guys,
Have been here for 6 brillient days now and what an amazing time it has been!! I'll start with our first day when we went and saw the famous Pyramids and Sphinx and what a sight it is when half way through Cairo you see the peaks of the Pyramids sticking above the city. It was quite surprising to see how close they are to the city actually just on the boundry. There are three main and several small ones at the base of each for there respective wife, parents and children. We were able to go into the second one but would have liked to go into the great Pyramid but only the first 300 people get to go in so need to get there early. The one we went into was is called " Shepron" and has a small narrow way that goes down on an angkle for 30m them up 20m untill reaching the chamber. Not much there as all the interesting stuff is in musems now. Still have know idea how they would have built them as each block is the height of me and longer and some even bigger weighing in at 2.5 tonnes
Sunset at White DesertSunset at White DesertSunset at White Desert

We All Loved This PLace But Very Cold
each and at 146m high makes you wonder how they managed to do it, had to be the alians..
Also the Sphinx was larger than I thought would be and I can ramble on about that for awhile as well but no way as near interesting as the Pyramids! It is also really touristy as you could imagine and with a Pizza Hut and McDonalds just in front of the Sphinx kinda took the magical feel away from it all. We all thought that it would be in the middle of the desert with nothing around but we nothing like that at all but was still great to go and see.
The night was spent smoking the local shesha which is quite interesting indeed. I actually haven't got a photo yet but will do soon but it is a very large looking bong I guess. All different flavors from apple, mint, strawberry and banana plus many more. Quite good actually as every local here seems to be addicted to the stuff! The taste is quite good and I didn't find myself coughing my lungs up after every time I had some!
Next day was the day we started to head
How CuteHow CuteHow Cute

We Dressed Them Up A Little
out into the desert for a few nights and it was brilliant. We went to the black desert first where obviously everything is black granite for about an hour next was to crystal mountain and you can guess what was there and we ended up at the magic white desert. Watching the sunset there with the group was spectular just imagine everything around you crystal white and the rock around has been carved into mushroom looking shapes and a red sun setting into the background.
The sleeping that night though was nothing to be desired. Who said it is hot in the desert?? It was absolutely freezing at night and got no sleep at all as long with the other group members but we learnt for the other nights though. For the time that I've been it really hasn't been hot at all even in the middle of the desert. It is there winter here but was expecting it to be a little warmer though.
Today was spent mostly at the Karnak Temple. It hard to describe the sheer size of this but in its day this would have been very very impressive! If you have a look at the
White DesertWhite DesertWhite Desert

Jamie The "Normal" One Out Off Our Guides And Drivers
pick imagine the sandstone walls and pillars and ceiling painted in bright colors and not just sandstone, a complete silver floor, gold statues all over the place and walls covered in gold. A ruler that took over the Temple said that 7000 mules were not enough to talked the gold alone from this one building! It is just huge a very impressive.
The rest of the days we went at other musemens, hot springs, deserted towns, grave yards and plenty of dunes but they are all boring for u to read about because I've got plenty of information to go on for hours so I'll put pictures of those things and instead I'll write some interesting things that I've found out about the place.
First is, but our tour leader try's to hide it from us, even though we have an organized tour we still have to bride our way through some of the many check points in the desert! We noticed a few changing of hands of money when we are in the middle of know where so they would let us through. At one point our driver had enough and gave it to them, which was very brave
Karnak TempleKarnak TempleKarnak Temple

There Are 4 Of These, Well Used To Be, And About 30m High And Covered In Gold
considering they are all holding machine guns, and it was settled down with a exchange of money! We asked our guide but he just completely changed the subject which is fair enough I guess as he only wants us to see the good parts of this country and there are plenty. But this only happened in the desert not in any cities we have been to. In the cities tourist are treated like rouity as they are the main income for the country. If a driver hits someone by accident they go to jail even if nothing serious has happened.
Doing a tour is a really good way to do things without any hassle at all in this place expect ally if going into the desert, people holding machine guns looking at you is quite off putting.
I've noticed it is hard NOT to get sick in this place. Once again I got struck with a mixture of high fever, stranded on the dunni and constant shivering for 24 hours. It is slowly going through the group and different effect for each of us. I missed out on the camel rides watching the sunset which was a pity as I

The 3 Famous Pyramids
slept for 18 hours straight after some pills I got. Lucky one of the girls in our tour is a nurse and she played doctor on me and made it all good as long with everyone else.
The group I'm with is fantastic 3 from Aus, 1 Canadian, 1 American and 1 English so a nice small group. The tour guides have been awesome very funny and helpful and always pulling a joke. I have some funny stories from them guys that need telling! The cook who is 5 foot at the most is a real prankster and last night he ended up naked been dragged by his legs by our police guide along some dunes. Funniest thing ever! All of them have been really helpful for us and when we are sick they look after us getting medicine and everything they can do to help and really they are only our drivers but have made our time here so much more fun. They have taken us to there houses and we haved shared stories with there children and friends. Always trying to pull a prank expect ally Bobby the cook who is 42 going on 14 just a funny

This One I Entered
funny man.
I've got soo much more to write but not enough time so just put pics up..
I'll try and write more next time when I get to a computer again....

Additional photos below
Photos: 37, Displayed: 26



The Great Pyramid And Biggest Off All But Has Shrunk A Little Over Time
The SphinxThe Sphinx
The Sphinx

Used To Have A Nose And Beard But Was Broken Off By Vandels
Black DesertBlack Desert
Black Desert

Just Black Granite And Not To Interesting. We Didn't Stay Long
Our Guide In The RedOur Guide In The Red
Our Guide In The Red

First Lunch And Way To Much As Usuall
Crystal MountainCrystal Mountain
Crystal Mountain

Covered In This Stuff
Mr FoxMr Fox
Mr Fox

Our Driver In 1 Of The Jeeps. We Sat For A Total Of Around 20 Hours In 4 Days In These

This Little Fella Is Was Our Cook. The Party Starter Where Ever We Went And Always Looking For Trouble
White DesertWhite Desert
White Desert

The Mushroom Looking Rocks Carved Over Many Years
White DesertWhite Desert
White Desert

Sun Setting
White DesertWhite Desert
White Desert

Taking A Morning Dip In A Natural Hot Spring. And Very Hot Like A Bath
Jamie's HouseJamie's House
Jamie's House

Nice Green Grass Then Desert As Far As The Eye Can See

4th March 2007

hey slugger, sounds like you are having an amazing time. Thought is was time i wrote you a comment havent wrote one yet, had to wait to Jess got home so she could show me how haha. getting crook wouldnt of been to good i shouldn't amagine. It's bad enough getting crook at home let alone over there. it sounds like you have meet some great people which would help things alot. some of the pictures you sent look unbeleivable. things have changed since you've gone, havent been drunk for 3 weeks amazing. Found a great chick at Stormy's 21st, now that is a change! played cricket last week against Central and took 6/27. played them again this week in the final and could only manage 1/24 but top scored with the bat with 24 not out, we only made 133. they made 222. losers. anyway slug hope you keep having a great time and keep out of trouble. might write a bit more often now i know how to turn the computer on haha! best of luck bugsy.
5th March 2007

Gday Slug, Glad ya still alive mate. Egypt is unreal isnt it. Wish Id got out to them deserts ya in. Look pretty amazing. So ya got crook again. No good man. Thought if ya got through India alright ya could go anywhere in the world with out gettin sic. What dont kill ya makes ya stonger Slug! I should be the tuffest bloke around! Same shit her man. The cup was good though. Didnt go out afterwards cause had to work early Thursday and proberly wouldnt have got in anywhere anyway cause had had a skin full. Ended up back at Lords carrying on and my clothes happened to fall off again. Dont ya hate that! Ah well. Went to the footie Saturday nite as well which was good. Shit Im keen to play I tell ya. Got a inter club game next week I think so cant wait Thats about all mate. Im movin into the villa with Leah and Sloth on Monday too so will be like old times. Just read Bugsy's letter. He's in love now. Bloody hopeless. When he met her he was dancin with shirt off and off his head. No wonder he hasnt drunk for 3 weeks! Righto mate. Good luck on the rest of Egypt and will write again soon. Tommo
8th December 2010
How Cute

wow you guys had a wonderful slide show you all did. did you have fun? i hope that you did!
8th December 2010
Sunset at White Desert

wow nice slide show. hope you had fun! good luck in the future! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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