The final week

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February 27th 2007
Published: February 27th 2007
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Back to school on Monday morning - I'm going to the school everyday this week (apart from Friday), and another volunteer has taken over teaching the three kids at the orphanage. I'll still go to the orphanage before I leave but just not to teach.
The pupils have been running riot this week - the teacher has been away practising for the parade next week so it's just me left in charge! The kids know fine that I won't use the cane so don't always listen to me - in fact a few of them actually asked me to cane some of the other children for misbehaving! Yesterday, Freeman came up to me and told me (seriously) that Stanley wanted to 'kill him!' I couldn't stop laughing which didn't help the situation, but it turned out Stanley had put his hands around Freemans neck, so Freeman decided Stanley wanted him dead!
After lunch I went straight to the orphanage, where the kids were eager to show me their homework. As I said, someone else will take over the teaching so I did not do any more work with them. There is now a massive Scotland flag adorning one of the bedroom walls. I will go back on Thursday with some small toys and to say goodbye. It will be sad to leave them but, these kids are happy and well looked after despite the fact they are orphans.
After the orphanage, I went back to the school to see the class finish for the day. I wanted to walk home with some of the kids to see where they lived and meet their parents. I'm used to walking around the main streets of Ho, but I had to walk through some strange side streets and got some strange looks on my way but I got to meet a few mums and dads and see where they lived.
One boys dad (Felix) bought me a drink, and thanked me for visting. Today, Felix told me that his father said he should ask for my address. A lot of people here want my address, phone number or e-mail. I don't know what they hope to achieve, but I think they hope I can help them in some way. Or maybe they just genuinely want to keep in touch, I can't decide.
In class today, I showed them some postcards of where I live and a street map (which are now all on the class room wall). As usual, I had many requests from the children to take them home with me on Friday. One boy asked me to go to the headmistress and tell her that I wanted to take 5 kids home with me, and that he was sure that she would agree to it!
At this rate, I will need a house with about 20 bedrooms.


27th February 2007

Your final week
Hi Rikki, I just read your blog for today and have tears in my eyes. I know exactly how you feel when your time is coming to an end. This has been an experience that will be with you forever, and it sounds like your kind heart and compassion have greatly impacted the lives of all the kids you have come in contact with. Job well done Ricci! The one thing about giving out your addresses is that these despirate people many times see you as being very rich so they will write you heart wrenching stores of how they need help, and most really do, but it will tear your heart apart to get them. I caution you to be very carefull in this area. I have to say I'm really proud of you--I know you really journed into unknown teritory with this visit to Ghana, and at first I was a little unsure of how it was going to go for you because I realized it was a real culture shock (I felt the same way), but you have really embraced this opportunity and I know it will be with you for the rest of your life! If you can take some pictures of these kids and send them back to CCS after you get them developed to give to the kids. They did this for me and I guess that the kids were very excited. Or better yet have someone take pictures of the kids with you and then send them back. Take care and enjoy these next few days! Linda
28th February 2007

U R doing so well Ricki. Everyone here in housing is enjoying your blog. Looking forward to seeing u again soon. Have a dram ready 4 u. Take Care and safe journey home.
28th February 2007

Well Done Ricki
Ricki, we just wanted to say well done. You should be soooo proud of yourself and in all that you've achieved. Many of us watch programmes about poor countries, and wish we could do something but few of us get round to actually doing anything about it. I think its great that you have done so much while you were there, and I think the kids have apreciated all that you've done too, (obviously cos they all want to come home with you - you will be like the pied piper Ricki, they will all be following you!!) Anyway as I said well done, and we're looking forward to hearing all about your adventures when you come home. Safe Journey, see ya, Eliz. Darren, Mat and Lewx
28th February 2007

Bless You
Ricki, forgot to add in my last comment, I was going to say "Bless You" for all that you've done, since everyone else in Ghana has also Blessed You!! No harm in saying it again eh. ha ha !! Elizx
28th February 2007

Home time!
Well Ricki my bed time stories are coming to an end now. Cant wait to catch up with u to hear all about it. you've done so well and so much and had the most amazing experiences that we only ever read about!! Safe journey home and i'll see you saturday. xx
28th February 2007

You Have done brilliantly in Ghana!
Hello Ricki I really enjoy reading your blogs. The kids are so nice and funny! You have done the best you could in Ghana and we are all very proud. Well Done! Its good to know that they are intrested in Macduff and Scotland. I cant believe its your final week in Ghana it does not seem that long ago since you left. I am looking forward to seeing you when you get back to Macduff Al The Best!!! Lewis.

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