Bye bye Sydney hello sunshine!!

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February 15th 2007
Published: February 15th 2007
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Well this is my second to last day working in Sydney and it comes with great relief that I am writing this as it means that I will soon be touring around Oz in a camper van! So... I have been working really hard (well by travelling standards anyway..) and it is about time I had a break and resume work on the suntan!! I have managed to get work through agencies here and there (by begging most of the time as there are so many backapckers here!), abut 5 weeks in total and have saved up some hard earned pennies. I am sat at my desk right now (if i type it makes me look busy you see...) as an executive receptionist. It reminds me of the devil wears prada, in so much as the boss is a bitch (and scares me. a lot.), although i dont think she is wearing prada and this sure aint vogue but there we go! Sydney has been good, although I havent fallen in love with the place as I expected to, but its been great to be here and work in one of the most well known cities in the world, taking the bus each day over the harbour bridge! Its actually really easy to get to know the place as downtown is quite small, but there are lots of suburbs that are really cool. In Newtown there are millions of vintage shops and funky cafes so I have spent some of my weekends going there and wandering aorund. I have managed to get a pretty good idea of where I am and can walk around without the map looking lost now. The hostel I have been staying in has been wicked and i think i was lucky to have found it, my room mates have been great and as we have all been there for the same amount of time we get on really well and spend most of our time up on the rooftop that looks across the harbour drinking beer!

I have spent my weekends going to the beach (coogee, bondi and manly) with people from my hostel and ive met some great people from all over (mainly italy+canada+sweden), although there are loads of brits at the hostel too! This last wkend I went on a trip to the blue mountains with my roomy Glenda (italian and a wicked laugh) and we got on this bus with a few other backpackers and a funny tour guide who took us to all the sights and took us bushwalking through the rainforest which was really cool as we saw kangaroos and rosella's (similar to a parrot with bright red and blue/green feathers). We saw the three sisters- a massive rock formation that is famous in the blue mountains- and also took a ride on the steepest railway in the world! Then on Sunday there was a massive parade in chinatown for the chinese ny, so we watched that for a couple of hours as all the floats went by with people dancing and running around with big dragons. there has been lots happening but I have madly been trying to save money, and needless to say i have had pasta nearly every night for dinner for most of the past 6 weeks....i never want to see another pasta shell again after this trip!

So...I am very excited about all the things that Craig and I have planned as its like a dream come true! He will be arriving on Saturday night in Brisbane which is so exciting! I'm flying up there in the afternoon to check into our apartment (yes that would be apartment with the rooftop pool!!) and will go and meet him at the airport. We pick up our camper van- complete with double mattress in the back!- on Monday and have 13 days to get from Brisbane to Cairns, taking in the Whitsunday Islands along the way (this is basically paradise!!) and going to Mission Beach to indulge in a bit of skydiving!!EEK! We are planning on just stopping off at wherever takes our fancy, and as we can sleep in thevan we can park up anywhere each night. From Cairns we will fly to Perth where we are staying on Rottnest Island for 2 nights and get the ferry over to it. There are no cars on the island and its a good spot to snorkel in, with clear water and white sand. It looks amazing and I am very excited about this part of the trip! We will pick up our second camper van after that from perth and have 20 days of touring the west coast; parking up by beaches and having bbq's and taking in places such as Monkey Mia which is only one of two spots in the world where dolphins come in to shore to interact with people naturally. Then we will drive up to Ningaloo reef, similar to the barrier reef but a lot more remote and untouched and supposedly one of the wordls best dive spots. It is one place Ive wanted to go for a long time so I am very excited about that and will have to buy a few underwater cameras!!

I have put a few links in of places we are going and of the vans we will be renting.. if you have time to take a look (this is not intended to make any jealous of course.....ha ha)!!

So over and out for time I write we will have done all of this that Ive talked about above so I can let you know if we managed to survive driving in the outback (got to watch out for those pesky kangaroos you know) and how living in a camper van will be in 40+degree heat!! Happy days!! Oh also if you dont hear from me again then u can assume that the sky dive was not a success!! 😊

Lots of love Axxxxxxxxx


15th February 2007

ha ha ha
You soooo funny Boo... Have loved reading your bloggs and looking forward to being a part of them... I hope our sky dive is a Little more successful than that ! ha ha - am all packed and waiting for my lift to the airport - So I'll see ya saturday babe.. Love me xx
26th April 2007

Just wanna say thanks for the post card. mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Ha :)

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