Head bobs R us

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February 11th 2007
Published: February 11th 2007
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Well we escaped paradise the other day , finally, and we ended up taking a train and jumped on a 8 hour ferry boat, that crusied the back water of India. It was unreal, the scenery was amazing, so relaxed and gorgeous, small narrow straits longed with palm trees and random cement houses, with no doors or windows, and kids waving along the side of the river like we were celebs of some sort. They were smiling and jumping into the water to get our attention,....upon further observation we noticed these smaller bamboo type huts onthe edge of the water , covered with linen clothes, and assumed they were bathrooms and this was confirmed by the indian with us, so essentially if you read closely, you would have realized the kids jumping into the water to get our attention, were swimming in ....well think about it! but it wasnt just them, older people were in there digging clams and fishing, I guess it is a way of life. different culture

Very cool experience going along the river, lined with huge fishing nets on this bamboo pulley system, where they had a huge light that points into the middle of the net so they lower the net, point the light and way til it fills and the bamboo poles release and presto, FISH.

Overall the food has been great and the style in which the south eat it is different. they eat with their hands, well not the left, they eat with the right, and shake hands with the right, then they, shake their...and they wipe their....with their lefts......

I have to say it is strange and as far as the presentation of the food, I feel like Jim carrey in Ace Venture saying" hey this probably looks better on the way out..."

The Head bobbing is unreal. I thought it was stereotype, but it all over and hilarious. they do the head bob to say ok, or yes , or just long stare at you, while bobbing.... they never say no. sometimes, maybe, or just wait, but nothing striahgt out NO! I knwo this where the bobble head came from, someone came here, thought a celeb with a oversized head, that moves like an indian head, now that will sell, and voila, millionaire born!

OK we are here for another 2 hours, then off to the IT capital of the world at the moment, Banglore. We will stay there the day then off to Hampi, to see the old ruins and wild monkeys, and then into mumbai and up to rajahstand, to try to meet the Irish. I feel like we are playing the game of " where in the World is Carmen San Diego?"

OK I hope all is well and everyone is looking for jobs for me and April when we get home.....


13th February 2007

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy
Hey guys, sounds like some interesting times! Totally enjoying the stories. When the heat seems too much, remember us in the -30's.. Have fun and take care. Love Mom xxxooo
20th February 2007

Are you fine?
I got a bad news from TV. There was a big bomb explosion in a train! Are you Ok? I'm very worried about you. Hopefully you were not there.
21st February 2007

good times...
Hey guys! Well for some reason my subscription to the blog has been acting up and I just got to reading your last few entries today. Sounds like you guys are having a wonderful time (aside from the smelly commutes...)! The hot weather and cold beer sounds like heaven to a near-albino Canadian enduring frigid temps... sigh... must admit i'm horribly envious. So be sure to ENJOY it! And when the beaches and awesome scenery start seeming a bit dull, just think of us poor saps back here... take care you two! Be safe!! Joran
22nd February 2007

Hi guys, Love the stories. The places you have visited and seen sound amazing. Can't wait to hear more. Take care, have fun! Love Mom XOXOXOXOXO

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