Still Stranded

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February 4th 2007
Published: February 5th 2007
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We can't believe we are still here! We honestly thought they were joking when they said we couldn't go south because of the flooding! It must be a joke we are in Australia! Ironically in Queensland the 'Sunshine State'!

But no we have been here for five days! Its hard to motivate yourself to go outside and get soaked every time! However the highlight has been finding some free internet. We travel to Peterpans Adventure Travel every day normally in the afternoon so we can look forward. Its very sad, and we are aware of it. But we needed something to keep our spirits up...

However, we are still having fun. Singing in the rain! We went down to the Cairns Yacht Club yesterday. We both were excited about getting on the water. But it looked like a social club, not where people actually sail! But we were greeted by a few boats on the beach. We got a boat to sail for the afternoon, a Pacer. Didn't look that fast, but we were pleased to sail anything. I didn't think that they were going to lend us a boat as they turned to Simon to ask him what

Our daily trip to stay in contact with the outside world.
experience we had. Simon simply looked at the organiser blankely! I think the guy was slightly worried and thought we didn't know a thing. It was great, they rigged our boat! When we launched we got a few weird looks that a "FEMALE" was steeering!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a great sail, apart from the glorious rain killing all the wind. But I think they realised that girls can in fact steer. We named our boat the SPEEDY PACER!

We have concluded that we have very bad luck around rivers! Every river we go to, it floods. Maybe the goverment would employ us to travel to all the drought areas... Free holiday, and I am sure we could make it rain!

Hopefully we will move from here soon, and we can continue our more interesting blog entries. We may even have to consider flying out if this continues into the end of next week.

Speak to you all soon
Catherine and Simon (It's still raining!)

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We catch up on all the reading!

Highlight of the week we sail a Pacer.

6th February 2007

Have a great day on your bithday good to see you both in a boat sailing, hope to get the scow on the water soon lots of love mom and dad
6th February 2007

from Bethany
Bethany likes finding the monkey, she cant believe a monkey on a book ha ha
7th February 2007

The monkey can read Bethany, he is clever like you!
18th February 2007

Glad to see you still sailing!
Hey looks like you guys know how to make a holiday fun with all that rain, maybe you should have stayed in the West Coast! LOL! Thanks for your text today and we didn't realise we wouldn't get mail every tme you done an entry so we will be checking more regularly. The photos have been great!

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