Hello Kitty and Converse Heaven

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January 23rd 2007
Published: January 24th 2007
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Hong Kong Sky LineHong Kong Sky LineHong Kong Sky Line

View from 26th Floor of The Peninsula Hotel.
Hi Guys

No i haven't been slack before you all start whinging it's just that i have had limited access to the Internet. 😊

Well took off from LHR and in true Charlotte style the chinese woman sitting next to me started to pray as the engines were turned on- as you can imagine i was feeling great as i only had a 12 hour flight infront of me. Well thank god her praying worked because i arrived safley.

Ended up walking around the airport for about an hour to try and work out how the hell to get to our hotel and boy what a nice hotel it was and straight to bed at 4pm in the afternoon.

Ended up going to that restaurant that you recommended Carrie (thanks hun) although I am sure you failed to tell me it was situated in the red light district 😊!

Ended up on trainer street - yes that's one pair of trainers bought on day 3 so might end up opening a shoe shop when i get home.

Ended up jumping on the ferry across to Kowloon (both day and night) yep contrast is great and ended up eating in the restaurant you recommended Ruthie- thanks and got the tram back down. Then went to the 28th floor of the peninsula hotel for cocktails dressed like tramps and think after drinking in there we'll be sleeping rough for a week 😊 yep a tad expensive but well worth the views over the harbour.

Ok so arrived in Sydney last night in a hostel you would be proud- bunk beds and all- and decided that today we would wake up and go and sit on the beach- with a little jet lag and only 3.5 hrs sleep it is now 7:30am and pissing down with rain so i think we may end up wandering the shops and booking all our stuff for NZ.

Right gotta go and photos will be uploaded when i can be bothered.
Missing you all.

Oh and quote for Hong Kong:
Charlotte to Kelly: Your holes are bigger than mine!- ref were to the eyelers on our new converse trainers - stop your dirty minds wandering.


PS: Hope my Yukka plant is being looked after well 😊


26th January 2007

i take it a yukka is not suppose to be yellow

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