A Hot Christmas Day

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December 25th 2006
Published: December 28th 2006
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Coogee Beach

A sterotypical expat christmas on the beach!

Christmas DayChristmas DayChristmas Day

Coogee Beach on the big day
Thankfully the weather finally sorted itself out and we managed the obligatory English ex pat christmas down under.

Christmas eve was spent wandering around the city centre, which was a bit on the quiet side with almost nothing happening bar a group of keen carol singers , singing their hearts out to a crowd of fifty. But its pretty nice to see the harbour lit up. Still not feeling very festive though.

The big day was much better, we met up with three friends we met in the south pacific (Paul, Brendan and Vikky) and their friend Ang. They are renting an apartment near the beach so we hit their house and had a few wines and a slap up meal. Then we went to Coogee beach, fortunately the sun was out and the wind had dropped so it was all good, in a strange chrismassy but not kind of way. After this we went back on the wines before we got the last bus home. Not a normal christmas but a pretty good one to be fair.

Boxing day consisted of a trip back to the beach with all the same people present, we watched the Sydeny
Christmas dinnerChristmas dinnerChristmas dinner

John, Brendan, Ang, Paul, Vikky, Claire
to Hobart annual boat race sail past and did very little else other than sit in the sun.

Sorry to rub it in for those of you freezing to death in England. But, at least it must of felt like Christmas for you. Never mind shall make up for it next year.

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Darling HarbourDarling Harbour
Darling Harbour

The harbour on christmas eve

28th December 2006

didn't look too bad from where we were. Sounds quite nice, really, but i bet you missed the cold a bit! love dad
28th December 2006

hello you two...a merry christmas and a happy new year. vietnam drawing ever closer, had jabs, got visas, can't wait. shame about the cricket. xx
4th January 2007

i know what you mean but..........
i know what you mean about christmas not seeming right, but at least you werent in a hostel full of Germans, who by the way had a passion for German Thrash metal!!

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