Leaving Brisbane in our new home

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December 16th 2006
Published: December 18th 2006
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Today we left Brisbane in our new home for the next 8 days, our 'Wicked Campervan'
A photo will follow shortly, but you must go to their website in the mean time (www.wickedcampers.com.au) and look under 'photos' they are all unique!

Making our way south of the city, with Dan at the helm, we were getting some very strange looks from other drivers on the road, its such a laugh!

We took it slowly stopping every so often to have a look around at the local towns, including Southport.

Our bed for the night (although inside the campervan its self) was in Surfers Paradise. We parked up at a caravan site we found right by the sea, so we had a shower and toilet etc to use, and took a walk into town to have a look around.

The town is very American and 'plastic' all very pretty and perfect with pretty people, we (or I certainly) started to feel a little less pretty around all the gorgeous people... so we moved on!

Not before Dan caught up on the cricket score on the massive large screen TV that had been erected in the main town square.

Our campervan road trip is also about cost cutting, so after a stop at a supermarket (Woolworths- the largest chain of major supermarkets out here!) we were set to cook dinner, and in fact breakfast and lunches for the next few days.


18th December 2006

Just had a look at the campervan web site, can't wait to see what yours looks like. You two must be having the most amazing fun. Glad to hear you are well stocked with food, as I am sure everyone who knows Dan, will understand he just has to be fed at regular intervals. Happy camping. Take care, all my love Mum. XX
19th December 2006

Muff Management?!!
Oh-mi-god! No wonder you're getting strange looks!! Your camper is fabulous!!

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