Stomach bugs, thieving doctors & a didgeridoo!.

Published: June 15th 2005
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Lago AtitlanLago AtitlanLago Atitlan

A great view from Panajachel over the placid Lago Atitlan.
Well, right now as I write this I am back in Antigua where I started - I didn't do the 3 day trek and I still haven't climbed a bloody volcanoe, not that I think it'll change me as a person. The main reason for this inactivity is that for the last 10 days I've had a stomach bug that just wouldn't let go of me. I thought, like I would back in Britain, that give it a day or two and I could ride it out - but no I certainly couldn't out here... The bugs are a lot more determined to f**k your life up! And they did with lots of headaches, nausea and a constant (almost affectionate) bond with the toilet. Thankfully, the worst of it is well over and I am almost back to my old self again, although I was outrageously ripped off by the doctor of all people!!

The reason I overcame the bug was because of the tablets, lotions and potions given to me by the female, English-speaking doctor in Panajachel, Lake Atitlan. At this point, I was desperate for help and really sucked off for not seeking help sooner. She
Lago AtitlanLago AtitlanLago Atitlan

A great view from Panajachel over the placid Lago Atitlan (again).
caught me at a low ebb and sneakily tricked me into starting the tablet course and opening the rehydrating liquid whilst she was telling me about the illness etc etc... Then she nailed me with the bill, an amount I am not even going to discuss here out of sheer embarassment at getting caught out by a doctor. A doctor of all people, who can you trust? And I am not even going to begin to explain how a teacher pulled a similar trick at the school only 3 days before this incident - and no it wasn't my own teacher, the fruity one. As you can understand, this last 10 or so days haven't been the greatest, but it's all a learning curve that will stand me in good stead for my future travels and I am relatively glad to announce that I am leaving Guatemala tommorow morning for pastures new.

Tomorrow morning I am leaving on a bus for Nicaragua, with an overnight stop in El Salvador on the way - the capital city, a place where you shouldn't go walking after dark. So lots of hours on buses coming up, 3 countries in 2 days!
The market at PanajachelThe market at PanajachelThe market at Panajachel

Lots of people and lots of things in the market street that runs through the small town - where the thieving doctor resides. You have been warned.

I thought about going north to Honduras and spending time at the Maya ruins or going to the Bay Islands and chilling out but I want to press on through Central America and spend most of my time in South America. Although I will be spending some time in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama before I get there.

On a lighter note, I finished my two weeks at the spanish school and probably need a few weeks more to really get stuck into it and for it to start paying off. The graduation night went fine and my acceptance speech in spanish went off without a hitch, well, it was only 3 lines or so. It was a wine and cheese night and I didn't touch a drop of the red stuff because I was too busy tucking into my litre bottle of the local 'Gallo'. I didn't do any salsa dancing because of the bug and had to stay in close proximity to the toilet. Nice huh?

I spent last night in a hostel called 'Posada Ruiz No2' here in Antigua - I now know what it's like to spend time in a prison cell. I suppose you get what you pay for at $3 a night. The worst bit though was listening to some prick play the didgeridoo until about 2am a few cells away and listening to a bunch of clueless white kids singing Bob Marley's 'Redemption Song' over and over- a harrowing song about slavery of no relevance to them whatsoever. I swiftly moved out in the morning and into a hostel I knew better from my first stay here - 'The Jungle Party Hostal'... with a free breakfast included!!

Speak soon,
Keep the faith.



16th June 2005

hasta la vista!
alright jame! glad to see its all going without a hitch! seriously we are sure it will all turn out fine! all missin ya sitracjames
16th June 2005

Well jamie sounds like you are missing us,when you return home you can stay here in Heol Las Park, you can sleep in the pavilion and eat last weeks cheese and pickle sandwiches and use our luxury loo for the measley sum of 25p.
18th June 2005

I Luvs Winch Wen, I really Does.
Cheers , thanks for the offer. But I will give it a miss all the same and take my chances out here! The bogs out here are generally awful, but still 5star compared to Winch Wen Pavilions toilet!! Hasta Luego Jamie

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